
来源: 2016-09-05 20:17:19 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


约一个月前向您请教过关于NVC错误地认为我先生(在中国)的follow-to-join需要排期,经过两次跟您交流,您记起来我是递交485时同时递交了824 follow-to-join,所以不需排期,而且你还给我发来USCIS的相关条文,感激不尽!我依据这条文跟USCIS几个supervisor解释,可是他们说不管USCIS怎么说,他们要照规定办事,我是EB2 - NIW 移民,他们把我先生划成E2 (我先生已经交了DS260),他们说E2 有 priority date, 就是我当初递交i-140的 priority date. 可是他们工作显然不认真,我的140 priority date 是June 23, 2011, 而他们给我先生定的是April 23, 2011 -- 一个毫不相干的日期。

开始我不知道他们把我先生定到排期里,因为孩子的健康问题,所以要求NVC加快。结果他们一连发了几封email,自相矛盾,把我给搞糊涂了,后来又说因为排期没到,所以不能加快。一听排期,我急了,所以上这里问你。你给我发了USCIS的条文后,我再次跟他们理论,可是没结果,后来我就发了封email,告诉他们,如果因为他们工作的疏忽给我们家庭带来本可避免的焦虑,进而造成不良后果,如高血压中风等,我将诉讼他们。几天过后,8月9号,他们给我发来一封邮件,邮件虽然说已经转到领事馆,但还是说要排队,而且邮件仍然显示priority date 为 April 23, 2011. 反反复复不清不楚的邮件,真把我给弄毛了,第二天闯了红灯,人没事,车毁了,还毁了别人的车,我的车还没保险。


1. 请您看看他们发的邮件,究竟是什么意思?他们说一般60天之内安排面谈,可是已经过了67天了,杳无音讯。

2. 我能否诉讼他们剥夺USCIS给我的 Follow-to-join benefits 以及玩忽职守,我有证据证明他们工作不认真,比如说,把我先生的名字拼错,我打电话要求更正,他们居然要求我递交更改名字的表格,还说30天后才有答复,强盗逻辑,我跟工作人员讲道理,工作人员请示了上司,才给改过来了。如果能诉讼他们,你能否推荐律师。


Letter from NVC: The National Visa Center (NVC) received all the requested documentation for this immigrant visa case.  The applicant is now in the queue awaiting an interview appointment overseas, where a consular officer will adjudicate the applicant’s visa application. 

NVC schedules appointments one month in advance.  The U.S. Embassy or Consulate General tells us what dates they are holding interviews, and NVC fills these appointments in a first-in, first-out manner.  Most appointments are set within 60 days of NVC receipt of all requested documentation. However, we cannot predict when an interview appointment will be available.
When we are able to schedule an appointment, we will notify the applicant, petitioner and attorney (if applicable).  The applicant can prepare now by reading about the embassy’s interview requirements online at http://nvc.state.gov/interview. Thank you for your patience.

The embassy may require additional documents at the interview.  In particular, if the following three items are all true, the applicant must bring a new police certificate to the visa interview:

•    He or she is more than 16 years old;
•    The police certificate submitted to NVC was obtained more than one year ago; and
•    He or she still lives in the country that issued the certificate.

The applicant should not make any travel arrangements, sell property, or give up employment until the embassy has issued a visa.


National Visa Center

Case Number:     
Beneficiary's Name:    
Preference Category:    E2
Priority Date:            23-APR-11