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回答: F1 student re enter US using new I 20happypig_1232016-06-21 18:47:14

朋友的孩子去年夏天以学生的身分来读书,现在回国休假,刚刚收到另外一个好的大学的通知书,他准备去,那么他重新入境的时候,是用原来的i20表格还是用新的?还是用旧的,然后transfer between schools?

-He is in China now, right? Did he do the F-1 transfer before he left? If no, either way is OK. But if he uses the new I-20 to enter US, he has to pay the SEVIS fee to get a new SEVIS number. If he enters US using the old I-20, then do the F-1 transfer, then he can use the old SEVIS number (not need to pay SEVIS fee). So, he had better enter US using the old I-20, and then do the F-1 transfer.


Thank you so much! got it。 -happypig_123- 给 happypig_123 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/22/2016 postreply 19:36:16
