
来源: 863211 2016-04-26 12:02:42 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1930 bytes)
回答: 请教8老师!以恩2016-04-26 07:28:37

Dear 8老师:多谢您多次帮助! 几经周折,经过Senator's Office 的努力,NVC 终于于4月14号在电脑系统里将我先生的case 改成了follow-to-join. In an email that the NVC Congressional Liasion sent me on April 14, it stated that "We will be sending out instructions" of ... The 6 steps were mentioned. However, it's been over 10 days, neither of us has received any further instructions. Yesterday I called NVC again, the representative didn't seem to be familiar with her job at all. She could only tell me what she saw on the computer but she wasn't able to answer any W questions (When, what, why). She had to speak to someone else and when she came back, she told me she didn't know why NVC hasn't sent out instructions yet. She said she would send an inquiry and it would take another 42 days to get a response. But meanwhile she also encouraged me to keep calling NVC. -- This doesn't make any sense. I feel bad if I keep bothering them for the same thing but it sounds like they like me to bother them. Isn't this weired? Are they getting more budget from the government by receiving more phone calls? Are they making mistakes on purpose? If they have too many cases to deal with, wouldn't making mistakes add even more burden to them?

这确实很官僚。因为他们对工作不熟悉或者不认真而出错,我们已经等了快半年了,now we haven't even taken the first step of "Choosing an Agent" yet. Do you have any insights/suggestions? Thank you!

-You may have to be patient. It is very normal for such low work efficiency at any government agency anyhwere, US, China, etc. In th some cases, sometimes it may take one to two years to get the immigrant visa from the date you file I-824  for your spouse or minor child.


多谢8老师! -以恩- 给 以恩 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/27/2016 postreply 06:32:40

案列更新快,请8老师继续赐教! -以恩- 给 以恩 发送悄悄话 (212 bytes) () 04/28/2016 postreply 14:30:02


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