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回答: 请教8老师bluehawaii2015-11-13 22:02:36

给我领养的女儿办移民,终于收到NVC 来信,要出生证,可我女儿是领养的, 我没她的出生证, 但有国内的领养证,我应该怎么回答NVC?就说没有?

-If your adopted child is an orphan adopted from the orphanage, and her biological parents and her actual birthdate are unknown, then you may just provide the copy of the adoption certificate and explain it to NVC. Otherwise, if you know her biologival parents' names, place of birth and birthdate,  you may ask the 叫国内当地派出所出个证明,然后去公证处作个公证。

还有我填了I894EZ, 它要我填I894W,我当时是想我填I894EZ 以证明我有能力养她, 不知为啥非要我填I894W。谢谢您的回答

-Because you are a US citizen to sponsor your adopted child immigration visa (green card ) and the adopted child will automatically beocme a US citizen after she gets the green card, you don't need to file I-864 or I-864EZ, but need to file I-864W instead.


谢谢8老师! -bluehawaii- 给 bluehawaii 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/15/2015 postreply 15:15:46
