Urgent!!! Lost job. Need to apply for B visa. Questions for B-2

来源: 绿色小草 2015-09-29 19:21:13 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (830 bytes)
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1. I learned B1 is for business purpose and B2 is for travel. I haven't found any business. So, my only option is B2, right?

2. How long does B2 visa last?

3. What documents do we need to submit if we apply for B2 visa in United States?

4. Is I-131 the correct form to fill in? Doesn't seem to me like the correct one.

5. Can anyone give the link for B2 application form? I searched, but didn't find the correct one. I also found a link like this https://www.visapro.com/signup.asp. , but not sure if I need to proceed. This is a company webpage, it seems to me.

6. How much is the fee?

Thanks a lot.



正确的网站在这里, -水中捞月- 给 水中捞月 发送悄悄话 水中捞月 的博客首页 (236 bytes) () 09/30/2015 postreply 06:23:26

Reply -863211- 给 863211 发送悄悄话 863211 的博客首页 (1590 bytes) () 09/30/2015 postreply 09:06:27
