
来源: 863211 2015-08-23 13:25:01 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2540 bytes)
回答: 绿卡回国5个半月,入境被叫到小黑屋tubalu2015-08-23 07:15:25

去年底回国做一个项目。今年2月中回来呆了两周有去,呆了5个半月(170天)。这回回来波士顿入关时就被叫到小黑屋盘问。问我为啥回去那么久。我 说工作兼照顾父母。问我在美国有啥,我说老婆,孩子,房子,车子,等等。那个officer就说我的America tie很thin,在这么干就要去见judge。同时建议我去搞一个reentry permit。

我说我在美国十几年了。绿卡也 拿了近10年。这十几年我几乎都没离开过美国,怎么就说我有放弃绿卡的嫌疑呢?他说你google一下就都明白了,reentry permit也好拿。他没有给我任何written notice,护照上除了盖了个普通的入境章也没别的记号,不知道他是正式警告还是提醒建议我一下。

有没有人有类似经验,好的建议?另外我这次呆的时间也不会太久,估计赶不上reentry permit的biometrics。

-You have better file reentry permit to avoid possible trouble later if you still will work in China for a while. You ask expediate biometrics applointment when you file I-131. See the follwing at this website:

Q. What are the procedures for requesting an expedited adjudication of Form I-131?

A. If applicants require expedited processing, the instructions provide specific information for submitting pre-paid express mailers with the Form I-131 for USCIS to send the applicant his or her receipt and ASC appointment notice, as well as the completed re-entry permit or refugee travel document, if approved. A request for expedited processing should contain the applicant’s reasons for such processing so that USCIS may determine whether the applicant qualifies for expedited processing.

Also see this website for more information:

