
来源: 2015-06-30 13:01:05 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
楼下两位同学找到的MEMO我2009年就已经知道, 我的律师们也都知道. 但是你们读这个memo的时候不觉得内容很shaky吗? 我公司的律师最后还是给我做了H1-B. 只多花了1200的premier processing fee 因为我之前有短暂的H1-B. 我的感觉就是用H1-B入境和用TN入境有天壤之别, 最近这两次去拿TN的时候平均每次被问各种问题20-30分钟, 各种不讲理的assumption. 比如我TN在美国这么多年怎么证明我不是想留下来。多伦多机场签TN的OV一次比一次难缠,相比之下底特律桥还好一些。我回来和HR同事说起TN的惊险,他们马上决定给我办绿卡和H1-B。那个MEMO里面的case by case基本就是说看VO的心情。如果等140上去后,TN被拒(不是因为140本身),那么麻烦应该很大,所以既然可以申请H1-B为什么要冒险用TN呢?劳工纸和140 比H1-B难10倍,劳工纸和140 都给办了,还嫌H1-B烦?
-TN is fine. If you don't travel internationally too much after I-140 is filed, you may not experience the trouble you mentioned with TN status, but eventually you are still allowed to enter US.

As for H-1, some employers (e.g. small company) may not want to sponsor it even if they sponsor you I-140. The reason is that there is cost of about total $5000 (lawyer fee and H-1 fee) for sponsoring each H-1b, and also the employer have to pay the H-1 holder at the prevail wage level, but no specific requirement to pay TN holder (can pay the TN holder with lower salary.