
来源: 2014-11-20 18:25:08 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
8 老师,我从亲戚那收养了一个女儿, 手续是国内办的,一切正规,民政局和公证处手续都有。我给她办了b2手续,今年夏天以以前就有的B2身份来没并且上学了。我给她办了B2延期,能否批下来不知道。如果有问题的话,她黑下来,以后会不会影响绿卡申请。
-Based on the immigration law, B-2 holder is not allowed to attend a school. Thus, if your child attends the school as B-2 status, it is possible to affect her future green card application. But if you become a US citizen to sponsor her green card after you physically custody her for two years, it may be OK. Of course, she had better get the F-1 status. Otherwise, she had better not leave US before she gets the green card if she attends the school with B-2 status.
