
来源: 2014-11-14 17:48:41 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
1. 我收到自动延期一年的通知,打电话过去说凭这个和过期绿卡就能自由出国回国。但论坛上大家说国内海关有可能不认。想问下现在还有这样的风险吗?

2. 一般自收到通知起,到打指模,到正式remove condition要多久?
-Case by case, hard to say.

3. 去Local的office有用吗?好像他们不同意在护照上盖绿卡延期章。。。有什么电话可以打,问一下么?
-Technically, you can use the expired green card and the I-751 filing receipt to travel. But you may go to the local USCIS Office to get the green card stamp on your passport (I found some people like you got it successfully). You may explain to the IO that you are afraid the Chinese Customs officer or the airlines may not know the immigration law well and thus, you may have trouble to get out of China, so you want to get the green card stamp. If you still can not get the stamp, you may just use the expired green card and the I-751 receipt notice to travel.
