H1B、H4旅行需知 (中英对照)

来源: 2007-10-24 08:54:22 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:




When traveling within the United States, foreign nationals, including any accompanying dependents, should carry their immigration documents with them. These documents include valid passport, I-94 arrival-departure record, and I-797 Approval Notice. Please take extra precautions to safeguard your documents both while traveling and in Chapel Hill.







1、在美国境内获得的H1B签证批准书(I-797 Notice of Action

2I-129表复印件,共三页(Form I-129, three pages

3LCA复印件(Labor Condition ApplicationLCA

4、雇用单位(如大学的系等)出具的雇用信复印件(Copy of departmental support letter),该信的书写格式请参阅英文部份。



以上材料用于到美国驻外使领馆申请再进入美国的H1B签证,入境美国时当然需要持有有效的H1B签证(needed to enter the U.S.



Whenever you travel outside the U.S., you should always carry the following documents for presentation at a U.S. Consulate abroad and/or to the USCIS officers when re-entering the U.S.:

  1. Valid H-1B visa (needed to enter the U.S.)
  2. H1-B Approval Notice (I-797 Notice of Action)
  3. H-1B petition (Form I-129, three pages)
  4. Copy of Labor Condition Application (LCA)
  5. Recent copy of departmental support letter (the department
    letter submitted as part of the petition can serve as an example
    for this new letter) and could follow the following pattern:


Para. #1--"Dr. X is currently employed in H-1B status in the
position of....This current H-1B appointment began on
(month/day/year) and will end on (month/day/year). {These
would normally be the dates on your H-1B approval
notice.} The position carries a salary of $...per...."
Para. #2--"The main duties of this position are...."
Para. #3--"Dr. X possesses the necessary qualifications for the
above position. Dr. X's qualifications include...."












For H-4 visa and/or re-entry to the U.S. for a dependent, your
spouse, or any of your children under the age of 21, will need
to provide the same as above, plus the following are

    1. Valid H-4 visa (needed to enter the U.S.)
    2. A current bank letter or statement showing enough funds
      to support family members
    3. A copy of the H-1B's passport and H-1B visa stamp (if
      already obtained)
    4. Marriage certificate for spouse
    5. Birth certificates for children



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