NIW do it myself,cash checks?

Hi Everyone,
I sent out my applications for EB2 NIW(concurrent filing,I-140 & 485 & others) about two weeks ago, they haven't cashed the checks yet. I used certified mail, it shouldn't be lost. Anyone know the procedures? do they cash the check first like other applications or they need do something else before they cash the checks?


决对不会丢的,你可查USPS给你的号码在他们的网上查. -noproblem的- 给 noproblem的 发送悄悄话 (12 bytes) () 07/23/2005 postreply 18:23:10

Be patient, Man. -Iunderstan- 给 Iunderstan 发送悄悄话 (51 bytes) () 07/23/2005 postreply 18:24:56

which center? -xixixixixh- 给 xixixixixh 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/23/2005 postreply 21:41:11

回复:which center? -li000- 给 li000 发送悄悄话 (17 bytes) () 07/24/2005 postreply 09:54:33
