
来源: 2019-08-25 14:44:04 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

A teammate posted this last night and I must share it, because it is what everyone needs to read! Really read it, let it sink in...
"I live off Starbucks, grab a wrap & chips from the cafeteria, and whatever's on the way home from work (aka fast food)... and a few glasses of wine in the evening. But I just went in for my yearly checkup and my vitals and labs are great! So I'm good." ????
SOUND FAMILIAR You’re like 40... your vitals & labs SHOULD be great!  
????‍?I typically don't try and scare people into change, but I think there's a lot of confusion out there about health & disease
Here's what you gotta understand: your body is AMAZING. It is a master adaptor and does remarkable job responding to stress. It is DESIGNED to maintain that physiological zen ????‍? called HOMEOSTASIS.
What is stress? Stress is any stimulus that pushes the body out of balance, requiring it to adapt. Stress can by physical (hittin it in the gym, shitty diet, lack of sleep), environmental (toxins in our air, water, beauty products, food supply, etc), emotional (jobs, kids, health, finances...you might be sitting there reading this is a state of fight or flight with cortisol levels through the roof).
After about 50 years of this, the body gets tired. It can't adapt as efficiently or completely, depending on the stressors and how long they've been in place. So the body tries to get your attention: I need help! This is when DIS-EASE shows up.
Modern medicine responds with pharmaceutical bandaids that create more imbalances and more DIS-EASE. This is not a real solution, not physically, not emotionally, not financially (if you haven't noticed, healthcare is bankrupting our country).
So what IS the solution? 1. Remove the stimulus 2. Mitigate the effects of stress that we can't avoid through things like detox, nutrition, herbal supplementation, sleep, meditation, yoga, etc. etc. 
Point is DISEASE IS A LATE SIGN OF IMBALANCE. Once disease rears it's ugly head it's TOO LATE. Once your labs are out of whack, it's too late. You didn't "just get diabetes." It's been brewing for YEARS.
Start taking care of your health NOW. Start before it's too late. And trust me, it is SO much easier to maintain health than to regain it once it's lost. 
Be well my friends



fight or flight response自古就有,不是新鲜东西,那时的人只在关键时刻,遇到动物,是跑是搏斗才动用肾上腺。
