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ICD-11 - Mortality and Morbidity Statistics


26 Supplementary Chapter Traditional Medicine Conditions - Module I

This supplementary chapter is a subclassification for optional use. This chapter is not intended for mortality reporting. Coding should always include also a category from the chapters 1-24 of ICD.

This supplementary chapter refers to disorders and patterns which originated in ancient Chinese Medicine and are commonly used in China, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere around the world. This list represents a union set of harmonized traditional medicine conditions of the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean classifications. For an extended list of traditional medicine conditions, please refer to the International Classification of Traditional Medicine (ICTM).


A disorder in traditional medicine, disorder (TM1)[1], refers to a set of dysfunctions in any of the body systems which presents with associated manifestations, i.e. a single or a group of specified signs, symptoms, or findings. Each disorder (TM1) may be defined by its symptomatology, etiology, course and outcome, or treatment response.

  1. Symptomatology: signs, symptoms or unique findings by traditional medicine diagnostic methods, including inspection such as tongue examination, history taking (inquiry), listening and smelling examination, palpation such as pulse taking, abdominal examination, and other methods.

  2. TM Etiology: the underlying traditional medicine explanatory style, such as environmental factors (historically known in TM translations as the external contractions), emotional factors (historically known in TM translations as the seven emotions), or other pathological factors, processes, and products.

  3. Course and outcome: a unique path of development of the disorder (TM1) over time. 4 Treatment response: known response to traditional medicine interventions. In defining a disorder (TM1), symptomology and etiology are required. Course and outcome, and treatment response are optional.

A pattern in traditional medicine, pattern (TM1), refers to the complete clinical presentation of the patient at a given moment in time including all findings. Findings may include symptomology or patient constitution, among other things.

  1. Symptomatology (as above).
  2. Constitution: the characteristics of an individual, including structural and functional characteristics, temperament, ability to adapt to environmental changes, or susceptibility to various health conditions. This is relatively stable, being in part genetically determined while partially acquired.

[1]:'TM1' refers to Traditional Medicine conditions - Module I. The (TM1) designation is used throughout this chapter for every traditional medicine diagnostic category in order to be clearly distinguishable from conventional medicine concepts.




以后有了查找“阴虚”、“肝气郁结”等中医诊断词汇外文译名的官方网站 -fuz- 给 fuz 发送悄悄话 fuz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 18:23:09

在本坛嘈杂论战时,中日韩三国专家联手为传统医学立传。 -fuz- 给 fuz 发送悄悄话 fuz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 18:26:54

在此之前,中国于1995年制定了《中华人民共和国国家标准-中医病证分类与代码(GB/T 15657-1995 )》 -fuz- 给 fuz 发送悄悄话 fuz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 18:37:55

关键是除了中港台外世界上其他国家立法并不容许执照中医,且中港台的执照中医都是limited 行医执照,比如只能做中医科, -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (1608 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 19:41:55

新加坡也认可中医 -fuz- 给 fuz 发送悄悄话 fuz 的博客首页 (288 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 19:56:48

谢谢!这是第四个容许limited中医执照的国家或地区了。韩日都不容许的。。。 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 20:01:56

美国部分保险公司允许把针灸纳入医保,作为理疗的辅助手段。一般开处方的中医在China town开业,收自费病人,也有在中药店坐堂 -方家胡同- 给 方家胡同 发送悄悄话 方家胡同 的博客首页 (41 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 20:07:09

美国大部分州有执照针灸师,当然不是医师, 也不是中医师, 因为美国没有执照中医师。。。 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (62 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 20:39:02

你完全错了,可以告诉你,美国大多中医师的病人99.9%是 -雨中人生- 给 雨中人生 发送悄悄话 (846 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 23:00:14

你的信息太令人意外,迄今为止用过许多保险公司,还真没有遇到自己看病然后可以到保险公司报销的事情。长见识了! -方家胡同- 给 方家胡同 发送悄悄话 方家胡同 的博客首页 (288 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 00:55:38

你在哪个州?有康复中心吗? -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (135 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 05:48:16

看懂了,中医是靠在有执照的西医开的康复中心,自己没有执照。谢谢! -方家胡同- 给 方家胡同 发送悄悄话 方家胡同 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 05:51:24

也有不少中医个人诊所,病人自费或部分保险COVER(具体请去查所在州具体规定) -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 06:02:30

州有权规定的应该medicad吧? -方家胡同- 给 方家胡同 发送悄悄话 方家胡同 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 06:24:05

不一定。在美国给与各州不小权利自由空间,加之保险公司相互竞争抢客户,太复杂。 -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 06:37:21

其实有些私人西医诊所如精神科医生诊所,为了省麻烦,也不接受保险,病人自报,我的诊所 -雨中人生- 给 雨中人生 发送悄悄话 (262 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 08:28:31

世界是变化的,中医现在在全世界的接受程度越来越高,只是在这健坛 -雨中人生- 给 雨中人生 发送悄悄话 (170 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 08:33:50

n你说的终于让我觉得畅快了一把。呆在这个坛子了7有时真是气闷 -天儿晴了- 给 天儿晴了 发送悄悄话 天儿晴了 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 18:24:49

我也是这样。病人先交钱,然后自己去保险公司报销。懒得跟保险公司扯皮,浪费时间和精力 -有点儿闲- 给 有点儿闲 发送悄悄话 有点儿闲 的博客首页 (199 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 05:23:03

德国也有中医执照,不过好像规划于自然疗法类 -bluekitty- 给 bluekitty 发送悄悄话 bluekitty 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 20:08:05

是的, 是自然疗法师。。。 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 20:46:10

德国人做事认真严谨一丝不苟,厨具和医疗设备没得说,信中医的人很多。 -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (65 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 08:20:13

德国的中草药进口检查非常严,国内的药都不能直接进,转一篇文章 -Tove- 给 Tove 发送悄悄话 Tove 的博客首页 (6993 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 09:18:19

曾这坛有人贴过,德国人自己开荒种植中药材基地还有照片为证。。 -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (164 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 10:01:08

德国中医被犹太人垄断啦? 德国人不是日耳曼人吗 -Tove- 给 Tove 发送悄悄话 Tove 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 12:08:25

?佩服你的延展创造思维:) 指德国人的个性。。 -pickshell- 给 pickshell 发送悄悄话 (522 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 12:48:44

我看错了,你上面说的是美国的犹太人:-) -Tove- 给 Tove 发送悄悄话 Tove 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 12:54:06

你这是错误的信息。首先美国已有些州认定中医针灸为DOM,并且 -雨中人生- 给 雨中人生 发送悄悄话 (313 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 22:43:08

医师的定义就是医学院毕业后,法律容许他做任何一科,内外妇儿急诊,眼皮肤ENT病理麻醉。。。 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (283 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 20:54:00

国内中医医院也分许多科,不知道中医学院上学时分科吗? -方家胡同- 给 方家胡同 发送悄悄话 方家胡同 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 21:00:18

网上查来好像也分科。 -方家胡同- 给 方家胡同 发送悄悄话 方家胡同 的博客首页 (654 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 21:03:44

他们也分科的,在书店见过分科的教科书,但听说凡是涉及手术的常有问题 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (412 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 21:17:21

中医学院附属医院里的医生大部分是西医。和手术有关的基本都是,比如上海有四个西医学院, 只有一个中医学院。。。 -志在千里- 给 志在千里 发送悄悄话 (294 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 22:46:01

国内2018年经习近平鉴署中医法典后,允许民间中医经师承制培训, -雨中人生- 给 雨中人生 发送悄悄话 (119 bytes) () 08/03/2019 postreply 23:15:26

中医的很多东西肯定有用: 如针灸,拔火罐,有些中药 -street0120003- 给 street0120003 发送悄悄话 (290 bytes) () 08/04/2019 postreply 07:18:25
