
来源: 2018-03-28 13:46:53 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


至于Pap Smear,至今尚未有类似的严格调查。所以其状态是没有证据说没用,但没有严格的证据说有用。

PSA 曾是前列腺癌普查的首选,给不少人赚了不少钱。后来欧洲先觉醒了,发现其效果是每 “救”一命,“毁”1400多命(就像这里惊慌的病人们一样)。欧洲先说的“不”,美国的真正医疗专家们(在USPSTF:The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is an independent, volunteer panel of national experts in disease prevention and evidence-based medicine. The Task Force works to improve the health of all Americans by making evidence-based recommendations about clinical preventive services.)目前对PSA的建议是“D”,反对, 因为有害无益 (The USPSTF recommends against the service. There is moderate or high certainty that the service has no net benefit or that the harms outweigh the benefits.)。谁再让病人干这个,就只能是为钱了!