一位第四期乳腺癌患者(已全面扩散) 是怎样彻底康复的?

来源: 2015-02-01 01:02:48 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Dr Ruth Heidrich 在33年前被诊断为第 4 期乳腺癌(已扩散)。这么多年过去了,现今已80岁她早已彻底康复。请听她详细讲述饮食在她的康复过程中所扮演的重要角色。

她是治疗富贵病的著名医生 John McDougall 的病人。1982年,当这位出色的医生向她讲述饮食与乳腺癌的关系时,对她来说好似天方夜谭。连她的丈夫都认为 John McDougall 向她灌输的所谓健康饮食是 quackery。 她满怀着疑问开始了她的孤独的健康饮食的癌症康复之旅。


她曾出现在著名的纪录片 Forks Over Knives 中。



She’s the winner of more than 900 trophies, 6 Ironman Triathlons, 8 Senior Olympics Gold Medals, and 67 marathons including Boston, New York, Moscow and The Great Wall of China.
She is a World Fitness Record holder at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, and was named “One of the Ten Fittest Women in North America”.
She’s author of four books, co-hosts the “Healing & You” radio show, and she was featured in the documentary Forks Over Knives.
ALL of these accomplishments occurred AFTER she healed her stage 4 breast cancer in 1982 with a low-fat vegan diet (no chemo no radiation).
Oh and she’s 80.
And she’s outlived her oncologist by 30 years.
Incredible lady = Incredible interview.
Prepare to be inspired!

Dr John McDougall 在 Forks and Knives 中谈饮食与乳腺癌的关系
