
来源: 2014-08-16 05:08:47 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


        还有一个患癌的重要原因就是现在人们吃的食物中VitaminB-17的含量不足,导致人体缺乏这一抗癌的重要维生素。Vitamin B-17是在植物性食物中才广泛存在(其抗癌原理在我以前的博文中有详细陈述)。不只是Vitamin B-17,还有Vitamin A,B, C 、E和各种人体所需的重要矿物质在抗癌中都扮演了重要角色,只是Vitamin B-17可能是最为关健和重要的。这些维他命和矿物质也是在植物性食物中大量存在,所以以素食为绝对主导的人得癌症机率要小不是没有根据的。VitaminB-17 在动物食品中也可以存在,但这些动物食品必须来自放养、吃草的动物(因为VitaminB-17 的直接来源是植物)。无独有偶,人们发现许多替代疗法中用来抗癌的食物和草药中含有大量的Vitamin B-17,所以癌症患者被所谓正规疗法抛弃后还能创造抗癌奇迹并不是偶然。


       再简单陈述一个事实。Dr Max Gerson在治疗癌症病人过程中发现:每当病人摄取动物食品时,tumor就疯长。这是他通过X-ray拍片、观察、详细记录而来的,不是凭空猜测。还有许多其它癌症疗法(包括VitaminB-17疗法)都要求患者至少在治疗中的头几个月禁食任何动物食品,这也是医生根据动物食品对癌症治疗的实际影响而采取的措施(声明一下:不包括化疗、放疗,因为本人对此类疗法中饮食的影响没有特别研究过)。
        T Colin Campbell 通过大量研究和分析得出动物食品(蛋白质)的摄取量与癌症的发病率密切相关。因此他建议人们尽量把动物食品的摄取量控制在10%以下(按热量算)以减低患癌症的风险。对此以前我已有多次阐述。

        我个人认为解释动物食品(蛋白质)与癌症关系最好、最全面的是Andrew Moritz的著述:Cancer Is Not A Disease - It's A Survival Mechanism。

How does B17 kill cancer?
So how does B17 kill cancer?...... Here we go....
Firstly we need to understand that our bodies use several enzymes to perform many tasks. Our body has one particular enzyme called Rhodanese which is found in large quantities throughout the body but is not present where ever there are cancer cells. Yet, where ever you find cancer in the body, you find another enzyme called Beta-Glucosidase. So, we have the enzyme Rhodanese found everywhere in the body except at the cancer cells, and we have the enzyme Beta-Glucosidase found in very large quantities only at the cancer cell but not found anywhere else in the body. If there is no cancer in the body there is no enzyme Beta-Glucosidase.
Now the following is what scares most people. You see, Vitamin B17 is made up of 2 parts glucose, 1 part Hydrogen Cyanide and 1 part Benzaldehyde(analgesic/painkiller). So its very important you understand the following:
When B17 is introduced to the body, it is broken down by the enzyme Rhodanese. The Rhodanese breaks the Hydrogen Cyanide and Benzaldehyde down into 2 by-products, Thiocyanate and Benzoic acid which are beneficial in nourishing healthy cells and forms the metabolic pool production for vitamin B12. Any excess of these by-products is expelled in normal fashion from the body via urine. Vitamin B17 passes through your body and does not last longer than 80 minutes inside your body as a result of the Rhodanese breaking it down. (Hydrogen Cyanide has been proven to be chemically inert and non toxic when taken as food or refined pharmaceutical such as laetrile. Sugar has be shown to be 20 times more toxic than B17 - see good & bad cyanide).
HERE IS THE GOOD PART - When the B17 comes into contact with cancer cells, there is no Rhodanese to break it down and neutrelise it but instead, only the enzyme Beta-Gucosidase is present in very large quantities. When B17 and Beta-Glucosidase come into contact with each other, a chemical reaction occurs and the Hydrogen Cyanide and Benzaldehyde combine synergistically to produce a poison which destroys and kills the cancer cells.
This whole process is known as selective toxicity. Only the cancer cells are specifically targeted and destroyed. See the diagram below.
That is how Vitamin B17 Kills Cancer. It has been proven and illustrated to work by the some of the top specialists in the world. Thats why the Contreras hospital in Mexico have been able over the LAST 30 YEARS to successfully treat over 100,000 cancer patients!!!
Click here to hear how British Scientists explain this same process by extracting vitamin b17 from the cassava plant also a rich source of natural vitamin b17. (This page will also contain an audio mp3 option for you to listen to / download)

