
来源: 2013-01-11 17:54:55 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:


"爱好和经历决定了这类游客不会是粗横无礼的人", 你的推理依据是什么? 我还是第一次听说"爱好和经历"能决定一个人的品行.

he'd often been warned about people dressing in fake uniforms to extract money from backpackers,” 这些并没有表示(连隐含都没有)"希腊经常有人冒充警察敲诈抢劫外国人", 你不信你给BBC发个email确认一下

如果韩国人自己一点问题都没有,他怎么会觉得: "I can understand them asking me for ID and I even understand that there may have been a case to justify them hitting me in the first instance. But why did they continue beating me after I was handcuffed?" he asks