我的肠胃呀, 怎么这么难受?_附endoscopy result, 希望大家能看见这个帖子

来源: 2015-08-25 11:09:23 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

我的情况是这样的. 断断续续好几年了. 原来是偶尔的腹部涨痛, 躺躺休息下就过去了. 最近这段时间厉害了, 两个多星期前腹部涨痛特别频繁, 原来医生给的Hyoscyamine tablet吃了好些 (doctor think i have  irritable bowel syndrome), 但是第二天, 尤其是下午4,5点又开始了腹部涨痛. 揉肚子感觉很多气, 可是出不来. 现在吃晚饭都有压力了, 吃了后感觉更厉害, 侧身休息会缓解. 

两星期前做colonoscopy, 当时医生说所有结果都是正常. 昨天拿到biopsy result.

The tissue biopsies I took of your stomach showed irritation or inflammation. There is also some changes seen which we should follow with another endoscopy in 1 year where we take biopsies of the stomach portions. In certain people, these changes may be precancerous changes . This is why we follow this closely and repeat another endoscopy in 1 year. 
The intestinal biopsies were negative for celiac disease.
The colon biopsies were normal. 
I hope you have a nice day. Thanks!
Dr P

这一个星期晚饭后还是肚子涨痛, 部位感觉是肚脐左边和下面. 早晨起床前我回揉揉腹部, 有气出来, 没有什么气味. 大便不成形, 松散也不太稀 (不知该怎样形容). 

biopsy 也没有说到底是什么毛病, 尤其是看到precancerous changes, 吓了我一大跳. 约了明天看医生, 我的医生是Digestive & Liver Disease部门的, 是不是还有更细的医生专科? 

大家有类似 经历的或者有这方面经验的, 可以帮我看看到底是什么病? 还应该建议医生做哪些test? 
