
来源: 米尔 2010-02-28 13:34:40 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (10802 bytes)
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翻译: Yolanda(闲敲棋子落灯花)







3月15日的新月会在你星盘的这个方面给你更多动力,你会从此时起发现事情有了更快的进展。不仅新月点亮你的地下工作,你的火星也终于从3月10 日起停止逆行(恢复顺行)。幸运的是,火星会在新月前返回轨道,新月一出现,你就可以高举旗帜向前冲。你的头脑会十分灵活、自由、超乎传统。你有创造独一无二的东西的能力,跟随你的直觉吧!




如果你已有另一半,正在地下情,因为你或ta已婚,或不能在一起,形势会对你不利,因为这些行星一旦达到周期末(每颗的时间不同, ),你们的关系就会曝光,无论你愿不愿意。如果你现在正派地做事,当你们的恋情让家人朋友知道时就没什么可怕的了。




当3月29日的天秤满月到来时,你就会清楚地知道这个人究竟是在帮你,抑或不过一颗眼中钉。这个满月会成为你们关系中的分水岭,如果你在3月29 日前后5天出生就更是如此。如果你一直都不开心,那么你可能要分手了,但最终决定权在你。土星忙着让你现实,因此如果事实表明你需要向前走,你就不会再抱一线希望。反之,你也发现的也可能是ta的那些可爱品质,那就乐观一点。真的,一切皆有可能,而在这个主婚姻的天秤座里的多情满月照耀之下,许多白羊可能会订婚或结婚。






Things may have been going haywire over the past few months, but life is about to get significantly smoother after March 10. Mars, your ruler, will go direct then, bringing a flurry of positive developments. While you will have news to celebrate on several fronts, romance will be your sweetest spot of all. If you feel you are the exception because you have had more than your share of relationship woe, you can now find a way to find answers. The full moon March 29 in your opposite sign of Libra will tell you whether to stay or go.

If you have no partner, you may have a fateful introduction soon. Ask a friend to set you up this month. With Mars in Leo from March 10 until June 7, and Venus to tour Aries from March 7-31, you will find yourself in a perfect position to find and hold the love you want.

With Venus in Aries, whether you are a man or woman, it is the perfect month to schedule a new spring look. Seek advice from a stylist you trust and be open to change. Spring clothes are filling the stores too, and thanks to a solid financial trend in place now (something you will see the truth of even more next month), you may be able to splurge on a new outfit. Plan to shop in March, for Mercury will go retrograde from April 18 to May 11 and you won't have the same fabulous shopping luck you do now - and you won't have Venus in Aries next month either!

The only one way you could possibly spoil this month's glowing romantic trend would be if you fall for a partner who is married or otherwise unavailable. With so many planets stacking up in your twelfth house - what the ancients called the "house of self-undoing" - you may not know your partner is "taken" or do know but not really care. You can't ignore warnings this month. Ask questions and pay attention - tangling in this yarn will only bring trouble you don't need.

If you are married or dating seriously, Saturn's recent move into your seventh house of commitment indicates you may be ready to make a major commitment to one another or to set a new goal. In coming months you will need to find ways to reinvent and renew your relationship. Now that Saturn has entered your relationship sector, maintaining status quo won't be an option any longer. Saturn's entry into any house of the horoscope always heralds the need to set a new course and cautions not to rely on old formulas.

It is possible that your partner may be struggling with a career or financial issue. If so, you may agree to move to a new city or delay a vacation or big purchase. Over the coming months, you will search to find the right balance between give and take necessary in your alliance. The full moon on March 29 will demonstrate that while a close relationship has privileges, it also brings obligations. At the full moon, you'll know what you need to do to keep your alliance vibrant.

If you have been very unhappy, you may leave your partner at this full moon. If so, it may help to know that your aspects are sensational for finding the right person for you in your new birthday year ahead.

There is another way the full moon of March 29 may assert its message, and that may be that a prominent man in your life (father, spouse, boss, and so forth) is ill or depressed - you would need to be there for this person whom you care about so much.

Meanwhile, against stunning developments in your personal life, your need to express yourself creatively will become unusually strong. If you've been blocked, Mars' new stronger orbit will be VERY helpful, for you will feel energized and ready to begin anew. This time you'll find the artistic flow that may have eluded you. In fact, when it comes to ideas, they won't be in short supply, and the ones you come up with could be hailed as pure genius. Stretch and push - you can find ways to self-express yourself that may amaze you.

In your career, a creative collaboration may help you rise higher through the ranks. Give your job your all - you have more changes coming at the end of June and in mid-July. There is nothing to fear - you are in a good position, dear Aries.

Dates to Note

A blind date could be quite electric: March 3.

Sign a contract or take a trip: March 6-7, thanks to Mercury conjunct Jupiter, either would be a great way to use this energy!

Time to end a disturbing or destructive habit: March 15 plus two weeks.

One of the most creative, imaginative days of the year for you due to Uranus conjunct Mercury on March 15 and when Uranus conjuncts the Sun: March 17,

You have been working hard, so plan on a fun, inspiriting or relaxing day: Sunday, March 21.

Make a long-range plan for the future on March 22 when Mars and Saturn work so beautifully together.

Venus will enter Aries, a great time to improve your looks or indulge in a little luxury: March 8-31

Mars, your ruler, goes direct: March 10. Love will come alive and will stay that way until June 8.

Most romantic dates: March 6, 7, 12, 16, 17, 20-22, 26, and 29-30.

A partnership matter will reach fullness: March 28. You may get engaged or married, or you may simply work out differences with a mate. If you are unhappy, this is the point where things will spin apart, but if so, you will have many options for new partners in weeks and months ahead. This is birthday month - your time, dear Aries.


白羊座补充 -米尔- 给 米尔 发送悄悄话 米尔 的博客首页 (3258 bytes) () 03/01/2010 postreply 09:28:08



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