
来源: 2023-01-18 11:45:58 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:





因无权公开发言而要求匿名的知情人士表示,原定于年中开始的所谓第三阶段扩建将使该工厂的产能翻一番,达到每年约 200 万辆汽车。

其中一位知情人士表示,一些中央政府官员对一家与埃隆马斯克的太空互联网计划 Starlink 有联系的美国公司在亚洲最大经济体拥有如此庞大的业务表示担忧。 虽然特斯拉汽车没有配备允许用户绕过中国防火墙的 Starlink 设备,但北京越来越关注数据安全和社会稳定。


An expansion of Tesla Inc.’s plant in Shanghai has been delayed, according to people familiar with the matter, over data concerns that risk putting a roadblock in the way of the US electric-car maker’s ambition to keep growing in China.

The so-called phase-three expansion originally slated to start mid-year would have seen the plant’s capacity double to around 2 million cars a year, said the people, who asked not to be identified because they’re not authorized to speak publicly.

Some central government officials expressed concern about a US company with connections to Elon Musk’s internet-from-space initiative Starlink having such a large presence in Asia’s biggest economy, one of the people said. While Tesla cars aren’t equipped with Starlink equipment, which would allow users to bypass China’s Great Firewall, Beijing has become increasingly concerned about data security and social stability. ...