No, this is not ture.

来源: 股市小书生 2017-05-28 15:33:19 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1079 bytes)
回答: 价格波动绝大多数和公司的经营有关VAInvestor2017-05-28 15:23:27
In this BBC interview with Warren Buffett, also from back in 2009, here's what he had to say

about the nature of stock markets.

"The very liquidity of stock markets causes people to focus on price action. If you buy an apartment house, if you buy a farm, if you buy a McDonald's franchise you don't think about what it's going sell for tomorrow or next week, or next month, you think about how is this business going to do. But stocks with this huge liquidity suck people in and they turn what should be an advantage into a disadvantage."


你这人书生气太重,投资又不是做PHD论文 -VAInvestor- 给 VAInvestor 发送悄悄话 (120 bytes) () 05/28/2017 postreply 16:58:30
