[原创] 《每周一股》3/3,ANF,断崖跳水是凶兆

来源: 2013-03-03 18:19:56 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:





ANF是一家卖服装的retailer,美国有946家店,海外99家。pe 35.31,peg 1.97,在同行业中明显偏高,fpe 不高,才12.75,这也是前三个月股价不断上涨的原因。但刚刚发表的ER,引起了投资者的忧虑,按年收入增加了11%, 稍低于预期,由于cost控制不错,盈利超了预期,eps按年增加了97%,beat了预期。但是,

In the firm's fourth quarter, we saw ongoing weakness in both its domestic and international businesses. Total comparable sales fell 1% during the quarter, as a 17% increase in comparable direct-to-consumer sales failed to completely offset a 4% decline in same-store sales. Comparable sales in the US were flat, revealing some stabilization from previous trends (but the store base is now smaller). US same-store sales declined 1%, but direct-to-consumer sales advanced 5%.

The international segment performed similarly, with comparable sales decreasing 3%. International same-store sales fell 14%, which was partially offset by 52% direct-to-consumer growth. We don't believe the brand has quite recovered from the depths of the financial crisis, and it seems--based on both international results and results at Abercrombie tourist locations--that the brand has lost some of its international appeal.


Looking ahead, the firm is anticipating full-year earnings of $3.35-$3.45 per share, an increase of 4%-7%. Abercrombie will close 40-50 stores in the US (as leases expire) but open 20 Hollister locations internationally and 2 Abercrombie flagship stores in Seoul and Shanghai. We don't see much growth ahead, though free cash flow could remain strong as the company plans to allocate just $200 million on capital expenditures in 2013.


处于竞争激烈的传统零售行业,预计增长率也只有 an increase of 4%-7%,如何对得起35的高pe值?再加上还要关掉40~50家店,收入会继续下降。近期三四月,是零售的传统淡季。行业老大wmt在二月份的警告, 对整个零售业的近期都不是一个好的预兆。

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