A Few Questions for WangGuan

来源: wen_ruo_shi 2017-01-13 09:00:26 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1166 bytes)


This is wen_ruo_shi. I published a post a couple of days ago, titled "Be Prepared to Die at Any Moment, xxx". The post attracted more than 35K readings/clicks in the past few days. From the readers' replies, there seems to be many misunderstanding and/or misinerpretation. As per some readers request, I have expressed the story in Chinese. It took me more than 5 hours to retell the story in Chinese. In the post, a few issues cause dispute or controversion, such as my point on death and life, my point on beliefe etc. Basically, my purpose has bee fulfilled: a few suitable candidate families have shown interest on my case. I do not have to republish the post in Chinese. However, in order to clarify a few issues, and attract more attention, I am intending to post the story in Chinese. If the post is not kept on heading, it will sink soon. Therefore, I request that the post be kept on heading. There is no personal information, there is no money donation request, there is no bad words etc. If you do not favor the post, I will not bother to repost it.

Best wishes,



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