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回答: 请问8 老师,有关亲属移民byzoutlook2018-06-10 13:06:57

非常感谢 8 老师 

请问 4 类亲属移民, 2005年 8 月开始排期, 我朋友(孩子妈妈)是主申请人, 当时孩子未成年, 现在孩子超过21岁未婚,排期排到时, 孩子可以跟大人一起移民吗? 
-Depends. The child's CSPA age = the child actual age when the priority date is current (based one A Form) - the I-130 pending dates
                   Note: I-130 pending dates = I-130 approval date - I-130 receipt date
                            You can find the I-130 approval date and receipt date from the I-130 approval notice.

If the child's CSPA age is less than 21, then the child is qualified for immigration together with the mother.




万分感谢! -byzoutlook- 给 byzoutlook 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/11/2018 postreply 04:34:21


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