回复:亲属移民, 搞不清递交什么样的离婚证明?

来源: 2014-06-04 16:18:10 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

三年前帮哥哥递交了亲属移民,最近收到USCIS的信,要求递交Marriage Termination证明。 我看了半天还是不太明白到底要求什么文件。是要求国内办的离婚公证书呢?( 国内办的离婚公证书上只简单地说:根据XX法院第XX号民事调节,兹证明XXX和XXX于XXX日期经XXX法院调解离婚。)

-Is there the red stamp of the court  or  or the judge's signature in that certificate? If yes, you can use it, but had better use " Divorce Certificate" when translation (意译), not use  "Civil Mediation  Divorce Certificate", in case USCIS feel confused. In US, divorce is not determined by civil mediation, but by a judge. I have seen some people had trouble in USCIS by translating this as "Civil Mediation Divorce Certificate (USCIS did not accept it).

