a very pretty country.

来源: Kiva 2004-08-06 08:07:49 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (631 bytes)
But be careful of the servise! They consider all of the foreigners as "Doller with legs". If you have time to go to 'Red sea', go there. You will never regret for that. You can go diving there. It was said that that it is one of the best diving place in the world. I can never describe how pretty the red sea is...... Like jade.......You can go to Sharm El-Sheikh, Na'ama Bay or Hurghada, which is more near to Luxor. There are plenty of travel agency in those cities.

Nevertheless, you have to visit Caro, the museum, Giza.... and Luxor, the oldest town of Egypt...

If I have money, I will go there again.....


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