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这次再请老师赐教:我于2015年向移民局递交了一份EB-3 Schedule A的申请 Priority Date是 : July 13, 2015 一直处于申批等待期,2015年十月我离开公司了。我和律师一直都没有收到批准或withdraw 的Notice。会不会只是雇主在2016年3月收到我的I-140的批准通知后,改变了主意去电移民局取悄的。大概2016年五月这样律师才正式收到移民局通知:March 16, 2016,移民局应雇主要求的取消信,上面有收据号码同时又给出了(A208-xxx-xxx) 九位数的A Number. 这个号码和今年2017年移民局发给我的OPT工卡上的USCIS #是一样的。

-This rule was effective in January 2017. So, it does not apply to your case because your former employer requested withdrawal of the I-140 in 2016.

-Yes, as long as the I-140 is approved, you can keep the priority date for your future new I-140. But you need to have the copy of the I-140 approval notice. Talk to your lawyer for help how to get the copy of I-140 approval notice.

我的问题是:1: 是不是所有递交了移民申请的人不管批没批准都会获得一个A Number?
-Yes, but it is a temporary A#, and you can have several temporary A# (e.g. each case has one).

2: 律师确定的告诉我(A208-xxx-xxx)就是我的A Number ,就是以后绿卡和公民纸的号码,那我就想请问老师,我2015年的I-140没有收到批准通知,但是有A Number,那么我的2015年Schedule A EB-3 的Priority Date:July 13 2015的优先日期会被移民局保留下来吗?
-That is your temporary A# which does not matter to you. You will get your formal A# after you file I-485 which will be your permanent A# (green card#) if you get the green card. The formal A# may be the same as the temporary A#, or may be not the same.

因为现在我正准备递交一份Schedule A EB-2的申请。这一点对我很重要,希望得到老师的指教!




非常感谢老师的指 -夜晚的钟声- 给 夜晚的钟声 发送悄悄话 (41 bytes) () 09/18/2017 postreply 07:18:02
