EB1A RFE IO#0159

来源: 2009-08-25 09:23:41 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
EB1A March 2009 寄到TSC,
May 2009 被转到NSC,
八月初2009 收到RFE, 基本上对每一条都列出要补件,内容在下面,请各位大侠指点!



Ph.D. 美国二流学校,专业排名还行
1个会议小奖,一个best paper
Sigma Xi和一个学会的committee member
40 English Citations 非常弱
16 review at 6+ journals

我想要还是只claim3点,contribution, publication, review, 把奖项、会员、媒体用来支持contribution

1. 奖项
Additional evidence must include explanations of the reputation of the organization granting the award, the significance of the award and the criteria used to select the recipient.

2. member
If further evidence of this criterion is to be submitted, it must include information regarding the requirements necessary to meet for membership and demonstrate that it is evidence of extraordinary ability
打算交sigma xi的constitution & bylaw上的标准,和学会主页上写明的标准

3. 媒体
The recording shows some citations made by others of the petitioner’s work, but this criterion requires that the evidence of articles be specifically about the petitioner and her work, not articles that reference them to support their own. If further evidence of this criterion is to be submitted, it must also clearly indicate that the work is significant: an unevaluated listing in a subject matter index or footnote, or a reference to the work without evaluation is insufficient, or a mere reference to her work or inclusion of her publications in bibliographies or footnotes, would also be insufficient for this criterion.

4. 审稿
Further evidence is needed to include information regarding the selection criteria as a panelist, reviewer, etc.

5. contribution
A successful petition is not solely based on support letters。。。
If further evidence is submitted the Service emphasizes that the most persuasive evidence is unsolicited contemporaneous documentation that shows experts or organizations in the field consider her contributions to be significant or that her contributions have been “widely adopted” (emphasis added) by the industry or a professional community at large. While the Service does not intend to discredit the accomplishments made by the petitioner and the witnesses’ affidavits, they should be corroborated by documentary evidence in the record. It is generally expected that an individual whose accomplishments have garnered sustained national or international acclaim would have received recognition for his accomplishments well beyond the circle of his or her personal and professional acquaintances.
这点比较难回答。我打算用图表的形式,把应用罗列一下。这一点,律师让我再去要推荐信,虽然再要了两封independent的,但我觉得既然人家io都说了A successful petition is not solely based on support letters,而要unsolicited contemporaneous documentation,就应该搜集一些这方面的证据。现在找到的有,医院网站上对成果的应用3处(不知道网页打印出来算数吗?),cite我的文章里对我的研究方法的应用,再就是推荐信里教授说他们要如何用我的研究(临床和教学上)。其他的方面大家还有什么建议吗?

6. 文章
The record shows that the petitioner has had articles published and others have cited them. However, as the publication of articles is part of the career path of a research scientist, additional evidence, such as further documentation of published articles that cite them, is needed to show that the petitioner has national or international acclaim for having extraordinary ability.
这点本来就是弱项。想问问大家这个io是不是对citation的数量发生质疑?我应该怎么应对?我现在能想到的只能是从cite的subject area和来自各个国家这两点。
