
来源: 2022-10-16 04:05:15 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

加國採用類似如加州的 community property system. 



有關你的問題,主要的考慮是依據下列的原則,同時因為這棟出租屋是購買於你們的婚姻期間,所以這棟房產屬於你們雙方的共同財產,因此直到法院最終判決下達之前,任何租金收入,仍然屬於共同財產,然而錢存在那一個帳戶中,這是由你們雙方自己的決定,不過一般應該是放在雙方的聯名帳戶之中,但是不論錢放在那,最終另外一方都有權要求 50% 的金額,(除非你們在婚前另外有書面的合約安排要如何處理),然而,對於這個投資房的一切修理花費與經營開支也是由你們雙方共同承擔與均攤。

The property included in the matrimonial regime is any property that isn’t part of the family patrimony. The word “property” also includes debts.

Here are some examples of property that spouses might acquire during the marriage and that is included in their matrimonial regime:

money saved during the marriage and the spouses’ salaries
income property and rent
investments (except RRSPs and retirement plans included in the family patrimony)
property they own that is not used by the family, and
credit card debt and personal loans.