
来源: OptionsKing 2016-10-27 21:31:39 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (6623 bytes)


This is a critical moment for America. If Trump is elected, he will be in the ranks of Washinton, Lincon, and Rosvolt. Trump will put America first, and he has the heart and ability to do it. Don't believe in the lies spread by the corrupted mainstream media. Go to YouTube and watch the "biography of Donald Trump" to see what type of person he is before casting your vote for this election.

1. 川普能有现在的气势,主要是得到了60%~65%的白人的支持。“川普”现象背后的狭隘的白人种族主义的抬头,这是无可否认的事实。这绝对不是我们华裔这个少数族裔的福音。我们大家应当不想接受一个容易受猜疑和排挤的社会环境。

Radical islamic terrorists are penetrating Europe and America, and they are carrying out massive attacks one after another; The corrupted mainstream media are keeping silent on the massive assaults on Germany girls by refugees during New Year's Eve; Illegal immigrants are flooding our country; Violent crimes are spreading among American cities - Obama government is largely responsible for this. The criminal in Furgerson killed by the police was described as "good kid" by them. 这绝对不是华裔这个少数族裔的福音。Voilent crime and AA is a bigger threat for 华裔这个少数族裔 than discrimination.

2. 在移民和难民问题上要谨慎、要控制、要充分考虑国家安全,这是没有异议的。但美国不能因此变得封闭。作为一个移民国家,开放、海纳百川、融合多种文化,是美国迄今所有的成功与荣耀之源。

Donald Trump is not against immigration, he is against "illegal" immigration. Yet the corrupted mainstream media always intentionally omit the term "illegal"in their reporting.

3. 合法拥有枪支是美国宪法赋予美国公民的权利,是美国梦的非常有吸引力的组成部分。但枪支犯罪确实是美国最严重的社会问题之一。民主党和希拉里希望加强对枪支管理与使用的控制、加强对购枪者和拥枪者的背景调查,这与宪法不冲突,我们应当予以支持。

Trump surports background check for the criminal suspects (those on the no fly list, etc.). But gun-ban advacated by the Democrats will only take away guns from law-binding citizens, but criminals can get their guns from the black market. The Democrats policy can only work if they can take the guns away from "everyone" which is impossible in today's America - Librals are dreamers.

4. 关于社会福利,错不在福利本身,滥用福利、福利“养懒”才是错。作为发达的自由资本主义国家,强大的社会福利保障体系是社会进步和文明层次的体现。没有对弱势群体的保护体系,美国也就不成其为美国。

Democrate is exactely 滥用福利、福利“养懒”. Trump will not take 社会福利保障体系away. He will make it more sustainable.

5. 关于政治正确--事事处处讲政治正确,不仅无聊而且会成为束缚美国发展的锁链。但是,奠定美国社会秩序与契约精神基础的法律与道德,这两者与政治正确都密不可分。抛弃政治正确,则有可能使美国社会沦为亚文明、次文明。这是川普被美国白人精英群体所反对的主因之一。那些心甘情愿从中国领养有残疾、被遗弃的女童们的普通美国人也不会支持川普。

政治正确 has already 成为无聊 and束缚美国发展的锁链。man goes to women's rest room. You can not critic African Americans, AA for software engineers (race first, ability second). etc. more and more....

6. 这个世界需要美国发挥领袖作用。比如,美国领导国际社会制止了伊朗的核武器计划,美国团结盟友挫败了基地组织,曾经嚣张不可一世的ISIS也正在溃败之中。而川普的孤立主义则有可能会给美国国家利益带来极大的损害、给国际秩序造成极大的混乱。举例来说,假若美国听之任之,日本甚至韩国开发核武器对付北朝鲜将是大概率事件。

Trump is not 孤立主义. He just do not want America to spend money to protect other countries. He will actively involve America in internation afares, but in all his dealings, he will put America first. (compare to what China did to aid third world brothers)

7. 美元作为最可靠的国际储存货币在全球受到追捧,并不单纯是因为美国的经济、科技和文化实力。美国在国际上作为大国领袖的担当,也是国际社会对美元投信任票的重要因素。根据2013年的统计结果,美元总量的70%是在美国之外流通,现在这个比例可能还更高。川普的孤立主义将有可能对美元的国际地位产生灾难性的影响。

Trums will make America stronger. thus 美元will still be 作为最可靠的国际储存货币在全球受到追捧. Under Trump presidency, lower taxes and higher import tariffs will provide companies with incentives to bring jobs back to the US. When jobs are back, American cities will prosper again, crime rate will decline, and law and order will be restored.


our national debt is going through the roof; our jobs are moved overseas; and Americans are getting poorer and poorer; More people are living on food stamps; Sixty-two percent of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings accounts and 21% don’t even have a savings account. Our country is heading in the wrong direction and we cannot afford four more years down this road under Hillary Clinton


反川普,人品没有问题;支持希拉里,人品有问题。但是我同意资深球迷在球上面的坚持很容易给人造成人品好的假象。 -newberry- 给 newberry 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/27/2016 postreply 21:43:37

不会不会,老看客是好同胞,他就是被迷惑了,深度被迷惑。 -雪花无声- 给 雪花无声 发送悄悄话 雪花无声 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/27/2016 postreply 21:38:08

我不同意他的观点,但相信他不是收钱的写手。 -雪花无声- 给 雪花无声 发送悄悄话 雪花无声 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/27/2016 postreply 21:48:32

看不下去 -darami456- 给 darami456 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/27/2016 postreply 23:06:53

强烈支持, 赞! -美国贪总- 给 美国贪总 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/28/2016 postreply 07:13:47
