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ABC Princeton Grad Asking You, Chinese Parents, to Vote for the Good of Asians


Do you remember that rap video that told people to go rob Chinese people? Or the Fox News clip where some reporter went to NYC Chinatown and made fun of old Chinese people who don’t speak English? Or have you heard about Michael Luo, the NY Times reporter and Harvard alum, who just had some lady yell at him, “go back to China!” Didn’t these words just make you so angry? It’s 2016 and we still have to deal with this. Unbelievable, right?

If you are still undecided or are leaning towards Trump, then you probably think that everything offensive Trump has said “doesn’t matter and are just words” because you don’t believe that he’d do anything that he says. But if you say words don’t matter, then none of the instances I just mentioned should have been offensive to you. After all, they were just words.

I normally don’t care about politics. In fact, I hate politics?—?a bunch of liars who are too petty to work together to get anything done properly. But this year is different. We?—?that is the current generation of Asian-Americans, with aspirations of becoming the next CEO of a Fortune 100 company or Supreme Court Justice, need you to vote…and we need you to vote for Clinton, no matter how much you hate her or her family. Voting 3rd party to protest how much you hate both candidates is the equivalent to voting for Trump in this election?—?the short reason: it’s like how kids with siblings will get less from aunts and uncles compared to an only child.

Clinton is a flawed politician, but Trump is a flawed human being. Trump has already labeled Muslims as terrorists, African-Americans as criminals, and Mexicans as rapists?—?this is on top of mocking a disabled reporter, insulting the Muslim mother of a deceased Army Captain, and treating women as objects, whose value is determined purely by their looks. To call Trump a racist or misogynist is not name calling or a label given to him by “mainstream media”?—?this is the polite thing to call somebody who makes such prejudiced remarks. If you don’t believe the news or me, there are multiple videos of him saying these and more offensive things online.

If the reason why you haven’t found what Trump has said offensive enough is because a tiny part of you agrees with him, I urge you to reconsider. While it’s not acceptable to believe any of these absurd labels, it’s understandable that you might; after all, I bet most of your communication is through WeChat, which means that almost everybody you know and talk to regularly is Chinese. This means that your impression of these other minorities is based off movies, television shows, and the news?—?which are all biased to show what will make the most money. You know how some people think Asians can’t speak English or are good at kung fu? Please don’t be so offended by them— they probably are just like you, but the opposite. They probably don’t know any Asians and are basing their opinion of Asians off of Jackie Chan movies.

This is the point where you might say I’m wrong because all the statistics say that black and Hispanic people represent most of the crime in America. To which, I beg you to not mix up correlation and causation. You know how everybody thinks Asians are smart and know math because we’re Asian? Then you know that Asians aren’t smart because we’re Asian. It’s because of you, our immigrant parents, who drilled the importance of school and hard work into us?—?who pushed us to always strive to do better and get those 6 points that we missed next time. So please realize that black and Hispanic people don’t commit crimes because they’re black or Hispanic; people?—?of all races?—?commit crimes because they’re poor. How often do you hear about any person above the poverty line using a gun or even committing a crime? Think about it?—?why would any rational person with enough money risk going to jail? Just because you see black and Hispanic people play gangsters and drug dealers on TV and in movies, does not mean that they’re either.

Similarly, just because you see people who look Middle Eastern play terrorists on TV and in movies, does not mean that they are. A refugee is, by definition, somebody “who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.” The refugees in the Middle East are just like us, except they’ve lost everything?—?they were once doctors, teachers, and scientists, with kids who also had dreams of their own, not terrorists. Yes, there have been many people of Middle Eastern descent involved with terrorist attacks, but there have also been numerous instances of white men in terrorist attacks, and yet nobody believes white men are terrorists.

Do you remember the Sandy Hook shooting in 2013, when a white male went to an elementary school with an assault rifle and murdered twenty kids under 7 years old? The media portrayed that shooter as a deranged individual, as they should have. Imagine having crazy individuals represent your entire race because the media only talks about your race in the context of terrorist attacks. There was very little news on Jaber Albakr, a Syrian refugee in Germany, who helped prevent an attack by capturing a suspected terrorist. I bet you didn’t hear about this failed attack. How much did you hear about the three white terrorists in Kansas that were arrested this past week? Did you know they were in possession of explosives and assault rifles actively planning to attack a mostly Somali-Muslim apartment complex? These white terrorists have been portrayed by the media as “militia” by the way.

Do you remember the Virginia Tech shootings, when an Asian shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 more? For nine years, this was the deadliest shooting incident in US history until the tragedy in Orlando this year. If he had any ties to Islam, it would have been called a “terrorist attack”. Instead, we currently enjoy white privilege?—?because he was Asian, he was just one weird crazy Asian that didn’t represent the entire race. Trump hasn’t targeted Asians yet, but if the leader of a country makes this many racist comments, it’s a sign to many that hating somebody because of their race is acceptable. If this shooting were to happen with Trump as our President, how do you know that we wouldn’t be the target of more extreme racism next? Somebody making a comment about our English might be the least of our concerns.

If you still think that refugees are terrorists, please realize that the US is not letting just anybody into the country. You have to go through a background check to get a job, so wouldn’t we, at the very least, do the same for somebody trying to enter the country? Just because somebody on TV says the US is letting everybody in, or you see it on the internet, or your friend repeats it, does not make it true. If you don’t trust me or my liberal mainstream papers, even Fox News has reported on the stringent background check process that refugees must go through to get into the country. If you don’t think the current standards are tough enough, I hope you’re also concerned that that we don’t even require background checks on everybody who wants to buy a gun.

If it’s affirmative action (AA) that concerns you, I hope you realize the irony in voting for Trump. Clinton is like the Asian who has that resume filled with every extracurricular, outstanding test scores, and a high GPA that nobody likes because she tries too hard, while Trump is not even the legacy admit or the athlete. Trump is the C student who gets into Harvard because his dad donated $2.5M to the school. Oh wait, that was Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner, whose father bought his acceptance to Harvard.

You might be leaning towards Trump because he claims that he’s a good business man and that he’s “really rich”. However, he also lost $916M in one year and has yet to produce his tax returns to prove how rich he really is. If your kid got an F on a test, and told you that he got an A on the next test, but refused to show it to you, would you believe him?

If it’s taxes that concern you, I hope you realize that your vote has essentially come down to what is the price of your principles? Would you be proud to say that for only a few thousand dollars, you decided to choose the one with zero years of experience in government, who also promotes violence and discrimination?

Now, the tables have turned. We, your grown children, are pushing you to do better because just like why you pushed us, we know you can?—?you are nothing like the typical Trump supporter, rural, white, and without a college education. So please, please go vote, and vote for Hillary. If you say one vote doesn’t matter, then you should agree when your kid says that there is no difference between a 92 and a 93 on that test?—?the few extra points I got on various tests was the difference between my AP Physics grade rounding up from a 92.7 to an A and rounding down to a B, the difference between being a high school valedictorian, and probably the difference in getting into Princeton.

You might think I’m crazy, but maybe so are all of my overachieving, resume filling friends below who support this. Words matter. Actions matter. If you don’t trust us, what was the point of working so hard to get into a good college? We trusted you when you told us that school was important, and now we’re asking you to trust us.

Since nobody has a Medium account, feel free to send comments here: wordsmatter16@gmail.com

Thanks for reading.

Anna Zhao, Princeton ‘12 
Iris Zhou, Princeton ‘13, Harvard Law ‘19
Toni Wei, Duke ‘12, Wharton ‘18
Wendy Lang, Princeton ‘13
Shirley Gao, Princeton ‘13
David Hou, Princeton ‘11, NYU Stern ‘15
Philip Chang, Princeton ‘15
Peter Lyu, UNC ‘12, Emory ‘14, Harvard ‘21
Amy Kim, UNC ‘12, Ex-Deutsche Bank
Jean Rheem, Duke ‘12
Moya Chin, MIT ’13, Harvard ‘19
李似曼, Princeton ‘11
Ted Lee, Yale ’12, Yale Law ‘18
Ryan Yeh, Cornell ’13, Yale Law ‘18
Bonnie Fan, University of Chicago ‘14

If you want more evidence (as you should): 
For more about the terrifying Kansas Plot, click here.
For more about the heroics of Syrian refugee, Jaber Albakr, click here.
For the stringent requirements for refugees to come to the US, courtesy of Fox News, click here.

For how Ivanka Trump’s husband got into Harvard for $2.5M, click here and here. Spoiler alert: An official at Kushner’s high school told Golden: “There was no way anybody in . . . the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard. His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought, for sure, there was no way this was going to happen.”

ABC Princeton Grad Asking You, Chinese Parents, to Vote for the Good of Asians

亲爱的叔叔阿姨们 :

您们记得那个YouTube视频鼓励大家去抢中国人吗?您们看见了那个Fox News视频耻笑不会说英文的中国人吗?您看到了哈弗大学毕业的纽约时代报纸的记者,Michael Luo,在纽约大街上听到一位女士告诉他“滚回中国”吗?听这些话是不是很生气? 在这个年代,我们怎么还需要忍受着些攻击哪?

如果你现在还没有决定你选谁或者倾向于Trump,那你可能对他说侮辱人的话不在乎。可是如果你说他说的话都只是一些文字, 那我上面所提到的例子不应该让你生气。

我一般对政治不感兴趣。其实,我特讨厌政治?—?一帮骗子。 可是今年大选不一样。我们第二代的华人将是未来的CEO, 最高法院大法官,总统,需要您们的帮助为Clinton投票,不管你对她有多少的不满。不投票或不投她的票跟投Trump的票是一样的。Clinton是一个有缺点的政治家,可是Trump没有道德底线的人。


如果您觉得Trump没有说污辱的话,您有可能同意他一部分的想法 。虽然这种想法是社会不可以接受的,我理解您为什么会有这种想法。你们的很多交流是通过WeChat,是在中国人的群体之间进行,跟其他种族第交流的机会不多。你对这些人的影响大部分是从电视,电影,新闻,可是这些传媒的目的是挣钱。就像有些人觉得中国人都不会说英文或都会功夫。这些人对中国人的认知也是从电影来的。



您还记得2013在Sandy Hook的枪杀案吗?一个在美国土生土长的白人用突击步枪杀死了二十个七岁以下的小孩。在这种情况下,媒体真实描述枪手为一个疯狂的个体。设想一个疯子去代表一个整个种族群体。媒体对穆斯林的报道常常是片面的和负面的,和恐怖分子有关的。您肯定没听说过在德国的叙利亚难民Jaber Albakr 阻止了一个恐怖分子的活动。您听说多少新闻报道前不久三个Kansas白人计划恐怖活动爆炸索马里穆斯林人居住的公寓吗? 这些白人被媒体称为“民兵 “而不是恐怖分子。


如果您还觉得难民是恐怖分子,您应该知道美国政府不会让难民随便来。就像申请工作需要背景调查,难民需要经过更严格的背景调查。虽然电视上有人说美国让难民随便入境,或者你在网上看的,或你的朋友也说过,这并不代表是事实。如果你还不相信我或主流媒体Fox News也报道过了严格的被调查过程。这都比买把枪难多了。

如果您担心的是AA,我希望您认识到Clinton 是像亚洲学生,简历充满了各种课外活动,又有很好的考试成绩,高GPA,但是没人喜欢她因为她学习非常努力。Trump像个C学生,爸爸捐了$2.5M进了哈弗,等等,其实是Ivanka Trump 的先生,Jared Kushner的爸爸买了Kushner去哈弗的机会。

也许您支持Trump因为您觉得他是个很富的商人。但他一年丢了九个亿,多次造成他的公司破产 。再说了他至今也没有提供他的税收证明他是很成功的商人 。如果您的孩子考试得了一个F,然后下次考试他说他得了个A,但拒绝让你看他的考试成绩,您会相信吗?


我们希望您们认识到您们不是典型的Trump支持者,没有大学文凭的农村白人。如果你说一票无所谓,那你觉得考了92或93有区别吗? 就像我努力去争取每个小小的分数加起来把我的AP物理的92.7的成绩推倒了个A而不是个B。你的一票也有可能就是全优生的区别,也有可能是进普大的区别。

说了这么多,我们谢谢您读到这儿。要是想继续谈的话,随时可以跟我们联系。做为您的孩子,我们希望您相信我们这一次。因为您的牺牲,我们得到了良好的教育。我们在美国最好的大学经历告诉我们投票给Hillary Clinton才是负责的选择。



Anna Zhao, Princeton ’12 
Iris Zhou, Princeton ’13, Harvard Law ‘19
Toni Wei, Duke ’12, Wharton ‘18
Wendy Lang, Princeton ‘13
Shirley Gao, Princeton ‘13
David Hou, Princeton ’11, NYU Stern ‘15
Philip Chang, Princeton ‘15
Peter Lyu, UNC ’12, Emory ’14, Harvard ‘21
Amy Kim, UNC ’12, Ex-Deutsche Bank
Jean Rheem, Duke ‘12
Moya Chin, MIT ’13, Harvard ‘19
李似曼, Princeton ‘11
Ted Lee, Yale ’12, Yale Law ‘18
Ryan Yeh, Cornell ’13, Yale Law ‘18
Bonnie Fan, University of Chicago ‘14

***Thanks to Ryan Yeh, Lou Yu, and Yin Yin for their efforts translating.


For more about the terrifying Kansas Plot, click here.
For more about the heroics of Syrian refugee, Jaber Albakr, click here.
For the stringent requirements for refugees to come to the US, courtesy of Fox News, click here.

For how Ivanka Trump’s husband got into Harvard for $2.5M, click here and here. Spoiler alert: An official at Kushner’s high school told Golden: “There was no way anybody in . . . the school thought he would on the merits get into Harvard. His GPA did not warrant it, his SAT scores did not warrant it. We thought, for sure, there was no way this was going to happen.”

2013年Sandy Hook的枪杀案

For the Fox News clip mocking Chinese people, click here.
For Michael Luo’s experience, click here.




在美国长大的孩子反对革命,川的言论就是煽动革命,当然不会得到ABC支持。 -Norcalfan0- 给 Norcalfan0 发送悄悄话 Norcalfan0 的博客首页 (89 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 20:49:42

是的,要革命,也是革别的国家的命。不管对错,这就是美国。老中想关起门来过美国好日子,只能幻想了。 -酷暑之雨- 给 酷暑之雨 发送悄悄话 酷暑之雨 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 20:53:12

其实多数老中特别是东西海岸和南边的这8年过的不错。就是不喜欢O8的一些政策而已。 -Norcalfan0- 给 Norcalfan0 发送悄悄话 Norcalfan0 的博客首页 (172 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 21:13:33

老中勤劳不惹事总是有好日子,但是川普的种族偏见是世人都知道,选政客也不要选这种人, period. -酷暑之雨- 给 酷暑之雨 发送悄悄话 酷暑之雨 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 21:22:21

现在是保命要紧,投希拉里不是作死吗?希拉里上台挑起对中国的战争,华人全进集中营。希拉里上台黑命贵,华人就等着被抢劫。 -安全第一- 给 安全第一 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 22:34:47

+100 -wld- 给 wld 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 22:01:41

今年公私校一样。这位ABC是普林斯顿的 -Norcalfan0- 给 Norcalfan0 发送悄悄话 Norcalfan0 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 21:42:49

一半大孩子,没承受任何社会,家庭责任,有点儿脱离实际的乌托邦理想是可以理解的。倒是几个成年人跟着起哄,有点儿too simple -benliu- 给 benliu 发送悄悄话 benliu 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 21:30:39

读了,没啥说服力,没啥独特的见解,就是被左派洗脑的那一套,真给普林斯顿丢人。 -wld- 给 wld 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 21:53:28

孩子们该想想 我们这个星球是否还适合过这种挥霍的曰子吧,不要跟这些老的学坏了, -loveolivetree- 给 loveolivetree 发送悄悄话 loveolivetree 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 21:55:48

收养难民 非法难民情操很高尚,但正落入罪恶政府集团布局,会引发更大的灾难 , -loveolivetree- 给 loveolivetree 发送悄悄话 loveolivetree 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/25/2016 postreply 22:37:17

支持孩子们!自由环境下教育出来的和共产党教育出来的思维方式和价值的区别体现出来了 -xialibaren- 给 xialibaren 发送悄悄话 xialibaren 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/26/2016 postreply 05:20:14

啧 啧 啧,斗四肠清疼之类的惊蝇啊,育肿辛肠,医症炎雌的,那还有错。呵呵呵。 -hg2007- 给 hg2007 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2016 postreply 10:52:48

年轻人左倾没有什么,可是不顾事实的挺一个贪污腐败加骗子的人就奇怪了。真得好好分析一下是 -摇滚中年- 给 摇滚中年 发送悄悄话 (194 bytes) () 10/26/2016 postreply 05:46:36

+1 希拉里罪行累累, 他们怎么就看不见呢 -VA居民- 给 VA居民 发送悄悄话 VA居民 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/26/2016 postreply 06:16:48

很多老中支持trump,说白了就是自私,拒绝一切不同于自己的东西。一场选举,暴露了多少人潜在的种族歧视,阶级歧视,性别歧视 -Airi- 给 Airi 发送悄悄话 Airi 的博客首页 (753 bytes) () 10/26/2016 postreply 11:23:50

ABC has fundamental difference with us, which is normal for thei -tz2000- 给 tz2000 发送悄悄话 (1038 bytes) () 10/26/2016 postreply 13:45:49

被洗脑的孩子。可怜。 -南岭老三- 给 南岭老三 发送悄悄话 (80 bytes) () 10/27/2016 postreply 01:22:29

着急啊,现在年轻人怎么这么是非不分啊,希拉里犯罪他们反而不在乎 纠缠川甫一些粗话 -taxidriver- 给 taxidriver 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/27/2016 postreply 21:18:18

啧 啧 啧,斗四肠清疼之类的惊蝇啊,育肿辛肠,医症炎雌的,那还有错。呵呵呵。 -hg2007- 给 hg2007 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/02/2016 postreply 10:50:33
