Iowa State Fair Poll Results: Donald Trump 56%, Hillary Clinton

来源: 2016-08-18 14:08:02 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

The Iowa State Fair has a booth where attendees are given the opportunity to cast their vote on the 2016 presidential race by placing a corn kernel in a jar.

The poll is obviously unscientific; however, nor is it manipulated by the media, it simply is an opportunity for fair goers to show who they are supporting in the upcoming presidential race.

The fair is in day #5 and 43,702 people have visited the WHO TV Channel 13 News Booth to register their opinion. Here are the results so far:

Candidate Donald Trump is holding an actual 12 point lead (56% -vs- 44%) with actual people.  43,702 actual people.  [Trump 24,284 votes, Clinton 19,418 votes]  Quite a difference from the media polling, huh.