
本帖于 2016-07-25 14:37:15 时间, 由普通用户 互联网 编辑


Open letter to Pauline Hanson from a victim of extremism

July 25 2016 - 5:08PM


It is simplistic to link terrorism with all Muslims and it puts Australians at risk.


I would like to acknowledge and respond to your comments and your stance on ABC's Q&A program on July 18.


Recent global and local events have increased people's anxiety in Australia about further acts of violence and extremism. When an event of such shock occurs, we want to find the reason for it and how we can stop it from happening again.


Curtis Cheng, who was shot dead by a 15-year-old boy outside Parramatta Police Headquarters in October last year, with his son Alpha. 


You asked why did the Lindt Cafe siege happen and why my father, Curtis Cheng, was murdered?


I do not know the answer to this question and I myself am searching for the answer, be it from the continued police investigations and from the coronial inquiry.


What I want to write about is what I do know and what I believe we need to do to create a more harmonious Australia. As you have mentioned that is your aim as well. However, I have strong concerns with your approach and stance.


My concern is the linking of this fear and anxiety to the entire Muslim population. We cannot generalise the actions of extreme individuals to encompass that of other successful and law-abiding citizens who happen to be of the same faith.


My father was murdered by a 15-year-old boy. I cannot deny the fact that the perpetrators professed to be followers of Islamic State.


However, it does not follow from these facts that Muslims should be feared. It was not the boy's faith that has caused his action. He was using his faith as an excuse for violent and antisocial extreme acts.


By all accounts, he, perhaps disenfranchised, was brainwashed by forces outside of Australia; an extreme reaction of alienation or not feeling part of the society or group to which they belong. What I do know, is that generalisations and fearful attitudes will only increase this and put more Australians at risk.


What has happened to my family does not change my relationship with Muslims in my life. One of my closest friends is a Muslim, but his friendship and his care during the toughest time in my life is the measure of him as a person and not his background faith.


As a high school teacher, I have Muslim students and I have met their parents and family. They have the same hopes and dreams of all Australians; to be successful in their lives and enjoy the freedoms we enjoy. I have not changed my hope for them to be successful member of Australian society.


This fearmongering directed at minorities is not a new phenomenon in history. Nor is it new with me personally. When I first arrived to Australia, I remember being a victim of the hateful and fearful attitudes that the One Nation Party promoted. I remember being told I will be sent back to where I came from because I was Asian and, therefore, not Australian. I remember feeling ostracised and isolated from the country and identity with which I had adopted – in harmony with my cultural heritage.


What has happened to my family does not change my relationship with Muslims in my life. One of my closest friends is a Muslim, but his friendship and his care during the toughest time in my life is the measure of him as a person and not his background faith.

Alpha Cheng


I do not want the same to happen for the new "scapegoats" in this extreme and simplistic view of society. I refuse to let dad's tragic death and the fearful attitudes that are growing to lessen my belief that we are a successful multi-cultural and multi-faith society. We need to look how we can heal and build; not how we can divide and exclude. My dad was a gentle and peaceful man; his name should not be used to promote fear and exclusion.


Alpha Cheng is the son of Curtis Cheng, who was murdered outside Parramatta police station last October.




 4月7日讯  据《悉尼先锋晨报》报道, 去年新州警察局门口枪击案遇害者的儿子Alpha Cheng,十分赞同前总理John Howard对收紧澳洲枪支管理法律的立场,且自从他的父亲遇害身亡后,他们一家一直受到社会各界的支持。

身为堪培拉教师的Alpha Cheng在SBS的Insight节目中向前总理John Howard提问澳洲的法律是否能保护澳大利亚人,Howard先生表示澳洲的枪支管理法“几乎可以确定”是不够的。

Caroline Chisholm的教师问到:“我们是否如我们想的那样安全呢?我们如何才能让这个社会更加安全?是否需要下令取缔社会上的枪支和武器?”

Howard先生认 为,如果一个15岁的少年能够拿到枪支,并且从背后近距离射杀58岁的警局会计师Curtis Cheng,说明“这个法律本身就是有漏洞的。”他说到:“我不是要在这里告诫政府什么——他们必须自己做出判断。但是我完全反对任何削弱当前法律的做 法,并且我鼓励合理加强当前的法律。”


Alpha Cheng表示他对John Howard热心地回应枪支回购计划感到很惊喜。他还说到:“当我父亲遇害后,这一事件的讨论已经成了一个转折点,被推上了风口浪尖。我希望我父亲的不幸 能带来一个积极的转变,减少合法获得枪支的数量,并且打击非法枪支交易市场,这样才能减少类似事件的发生频率。”他还希望在对激进青年的执法上有“一个积 极的转变”,并表示社会各界对他和他的家庭的支持让他十分感动。

Alpha Cheng强调了希望减少枪支的愿望,并希望政府采取一些预防性措施。例如背景调查,查看心理健康记录,并且审查半自动枪和高射枪的使用限制。他还建议采取反应措施,包括更大力的执法监督,努力减少黑市枪支交易。


他表示他和“阿瑟港 惨案”的幸存者都经历了枪支落入坏人手里带来的悲剧。“阿瑟港惨案”发生于1996年,凶手持半自动步枪和冲锋枪冲入塔州阿瑟港当地著名的黑箭咖啡厅 (Broad Arrow Cafe)和西斯岬海角大楼(Seascape)向人群扫射,造成35人死亡,23人受伤。

事发之后,当时的总理John Howard禁止了半自动步枪和猎枪使用,并销毁了60万件武器。该法律至今仍在生效。



澳洲华裔警察遭枪击 凶手是15岁极端分子



澳大利亚纽省警方证实,10月2日(周五)下午,一名纽省警察在下班后在警察总部附近遭到枪击,伤重不治。凶手是一名15岁的伊拉克库尔德族伊斯兰教徒,出生在伊朗。据说其家庭成员刚刚离开澳洲前往中东。警方已确认此次枪击案为恐怖袭击。而当日上午,澳大利亚新总理特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)刚表示要修复跟澳洲穆斯林的关系。

《悉尼晨锋报》报导说,凶徒在行凶时高喊宗教口号。纽省罪案总部(State Crime Command)位于悉尼市西部的帕拉马塔(Parramatta),负责调查该省的谋杀案、毒品、中东裔有组织犯罪以及帮派活动。警察总部附近有一所小学和一座高中。

澳洲七号新闻台表示,遇难的警察是澳洲华裔Curtis Cheng。他在纽省罪案总部工作了17年,最早的报导说他是IT工作人员。当地警方在周六下午更新了被害人的信息,消息称Curtis Cheng为会计师,58岁,任职纽省警局财务和商务服务部门17年。他和妻子有两名孩子。

纽省警察总长西皮恩(Andrew Scipione)表示,凶手在行凶后没有离开案发地,行为具有侵犯性。赶来的警察和他发生交火,凶手被击毙。西皮恩表示,现有证据表明此袭击案有“政治 动机”,此案是和恐怖主义有关。他说,他已经看了枪击事件的监控录像,“监控录像显示这个人肯定是有针对性的,”他说,“当然(射击)范围在很近的距离 内。”



在警方周六上午的新闻发布会上,纽省警察总长西皮恩表示,枪手出生在伊朗,但呼吁民众不要仇视穆斯林社区,穆斯林信仰不代表他们就是恐怖份 子,不应该把整个穆斯林社区看作是被怀疑的对象。这样的人只是该社区中很小很小部分人。而且穆斯林社区领袖也在谴责该事件。这表明他们并不能接受这样的事 件。

