荷兰推出机器人妓院 人类性工作者恐将失业

来源: 互联网 2016-05-30 14:35:01 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7687 bytes)
2016-05-30 14:26:32
综合媒体5月30日报道,荷兰未来学专家伊恩·约曼(Ian Yeoman)与惠灵顿大学性科学家米歇尔·马尔斯(Michelle Mars)最近畅想了2050年妓院的样子,他们认为性机器人将被引入,有利于阻止人口拐卖和性病传播。
约曼和 马尔斯联名发表名为《机器人、人类以及性旅游》的论文,畅想了2050年阿姆斯特丹Yub-Yum妓院的模样。 论文中称:“机器人妓院中将有100多名闪闪发光、具有异国情调的‘美女’,她们穿着丁字裤和内衣,金发和黑发应有尽有。全套高级服务入门价格为1万美 元,涉及全方位的性服务,包括按摩、膝上舞,以及在温馨房间内性爱等。”
约曼和 马尔斯描述称,这种未来式妓院之所以会出现,是因为到2040年,色情行业人口走私活动异常猖獗。他们还预测,无法治愈的性传染病问题将日益严重,特别是 艾滋病。这些性病将发生易变,可以抵制疫苗。科学家表示:“这些机器人将使用抗菌纤维制作,可冲洗,因此可确保客户不会感染性病。”
‘Sex robots’ is the future of clean prostitution industry, says study
MAY 30TH, 2016
In 2050, Amsterdam’s red light district will all be about android prostitutes who are clean of sexual transmitted infections (STIs), according to an abstract on Robots, Men and Sex Tourism, that appeared in the Science Direct journal.
“The women are not smuggled in from Eastern Europe and forced into slavery, the city council will have direct control over android sex workers controlling prices, hours of operations and sexual services.”
The journal said: “This paper presents a futuristic scenario about sex tourism, discusses the drivers of change and the implications for the future. The paper pushes plausibility to the limit as boundaries of science fiction and fact become blurred in the ever increasing world of technology, consumption and humanity, a paradigm known as liminality.”
It is estimated that the global sex toy industry today is worth more than $15 billion,and sex-technology is developing at a break neck speed, with the application of  robotics to sex dolls. In fact, it was reported recently that the world’s sexiest robot today is the Geminoid-F’s, whose looks are stunning and better that any human being. Another robot call  RealDoll has a customizable ‘personality’ and there is another known as Roxxy, which retails for $7,000 Roxxy talks and is responsive to human tourch. responds to touch.  Futures journal said  that the world will be full of androids in 2050 – and that most of us will be having sex with these human-like machines.
Futurologist Ian Yeoman and sexologist Michelle Mars at the University of Wellington were the ones behind the study that imagined what an Amsterdam brothel will be like in the year 2050. They based it on one of  Amsterdam’s most famous brothel called Yub-Yum, which closed in 2008.(Yab-yum (Tibetan literally, “father-mother”) is a common symbol in the Buddhist art of India, Bhutan, Nepal, and Tibet. It represents the primordial union of wisdom and compassion, depicted as a male deity in sexual union with his female consort. The male figure represents compassion and skillful means, while the female partner represents insight.)
As per the paper, Yub-Yum will be a modern and stylish establishment with more than100 scantily clad blondes and brunettes parading around in exotic G-strings and lingerie. The entrance fee will be around  $10,000 and this would be for an “all-inclusive service”. The study envisions that the club will offer the full range of sexual services that we can imagine today, including a full intercourse in plush surroundings. All staff will be android.
Yeoman and Mars said that this would be the future because of a crisis in the world sex and prostitution industry, resulting from cure-resistant HIV and other  sexually transmitted diseases. On a more frivolous note, the researchers conclude that although the androids come in all shapes and colours and sizes, the most popular one will be a tall and blonde Russian android called Irina and her biggest customers would be businessmen from the Middle East.  The androids will be made of soft and pliant fibreglass, which can be flushed and cleansed of all human liquids and completely sterilized.  – CINEWS



会有的,但是妓女还是会存在。而且机器人毕竟不是人。性服务也不是下围棋 -Chiyankun- 给 Chiyankun 发送悄悄话 Chiyankun 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/30/2016 postreply 20:31:48

赶快给昌平洗脚城送一个,不得延误。 -区分大小写已经存在- 给 区分大小写已经存在 发送悄悄话 区分大小写已经存在 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/31/2016 postreply 13:21:08
