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爱德华·伯奈 (Edward Bernay) 于 1928 年出版的经典著作《Edward Bernays classic tome “宣传Propaganda,》试图提醒公众注意宣传的力量,同时消除公众对宣传的恐惧。这本书的整体信息现在看起来很天真。这本书的核心主题和基本信念之一是,社会中存在着不可腐败的元素。  ” published in 1928, was an attempt to both alert the public to the power of propaganda while also allying the public’s fear of it. The overall messaging of the book now seems so naïve. One of the core themes and underlying beliefs of the book is that there are elements in society which are not corruptible. 

举例来说,本书结尾的论点是报纸是新闻的仲裁者,因此编辑、作家和所有者是看门人,确保公众公平地表达任何问题的双方。通过报纸进行宣传的想法几乎是不可想象的。As an example, the book ends with the thesis that newspapers are the arbiter of news, thus the editors, writers and owners are the gatekeepers ensuring the public of a fair rendition of both sides of any issue. That the idea of newspaper spreading propaganda was virtually unthinkable.


这可能是过去人们对新闻业的看法,但现在情况已不再如此(如果曾经是的话)。政府或政党可能会购买足够的广告空间或提供其他激励措施,以便报纸编辑在发表与政府立场相反的报道时三思而后行,这一想法甚至没有被考虑。有一种观点认为,报纸撰稿人、编辑或所有者不能被贿赂或皈依某种事业,这似乎没有进入作者的思维范围。认为今天的报纸将成为政府持有的一套信念而非另一套信念的宣传渠道的想法在 1928 年似乎有些牵强。现在看来,如果有其他方式,这似乎是不可想象的。This may have been how journalism was perceived in the past, but that is no longer the case (if it ever was). The idea that the government or a political party might buy up enough advertising space or provide other incentives so that a newspaper editor would think twice about running a story contrary to the government’s position was not even a consideration. The view was that newspaper writers, editors or the owners couldn’t be bribed or converted to one cause or another seems to not enter the author’s mindscape.  The idea that the newspapers of today would become advocacy conduits for one set of beliefs held by the government over another set of beliefs seemed farfetched in 1928.  Now it seems unthinkable that it would be any other way.


宣传是一种舆论操纵形式,涉及创造与政治议程相一致的特定叙述。它使用轻推、重复、情感诉求、选择性信息和催眠语言模式等技术来影响潜意识,从而绕过批判性思维并塑造信念和价值观。Propaganda is a form of public opinion manipulation involving creation of a specific narrative that aligns with a political agenda. It uses techniques like nudging, repetition, emotional appeals, selective information, and hypnotic language patterns to influence the subconscious mind, thereby bypassing critical thinking and shaping beliefs and values.

宣传由真相、几乎真相、半真半假、断章取义以及虚假真相组成。它的目的不一定是邪恶的,但它总是旨在操纵接受它的人的精神状态。这是这本经典著作反复提出的一个重要概念。政府和组织利用宣传来善恶。 Propaganda is made up of truth, almost truths, half-truths, truth out of context as well as false truths. It’s purpose is not necessarily evil, but it is always meant to manipulate the mental state of those receiving it. This is an important concept that this classic book makes over and over again.  Governments and organizations use propaganda for good and evil.

美国国土安全部 (DHS) 将散布“真实”或“不真实”信息,导致接收者对政府及其意图产生警惕或怀疑的行为定义为虚假The distribution of “truthful” or “untruthful” information which causes the recipient to become wary or skeptical of the government and its intentions is defined by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as 信息malinformation国土安全部将那些可能真实或不真实但与美国政府当时批准的叙述不同的信息定义为错误. Information which may or may not be truthful but differs from the US Government’s approved narrative at that point in time is defined by DHS as 信息misinformation国土安全部定义的虚假信息或出于政治目的而传播的错误信息都被定义为. Either DHS defined malinformation or misinformation which is being distributed for a political purpose is defined as 虚假信息disinformation在拜登政府领导下,国土安全部将错误传播或错误信息的传播定义为. Under the Biden administration, DHS defines the spreading of mis- dis- or malinformation as 国内恐怖主义,domestic terrorism, 然后,从技术上讲,它允许各种法律、政策和美国政府的程序化基础设施“反击”此类信息,并部署分发这些信息的人员作为回应。which then technically allows various laws, policies and US government programmatic infrastructure to “counter” such information and those who distribute it to be deployed in response.

一般来说,宣传品按颜色分类:白色、灰色和黑色宣传品。In general, propaganda is classified by colors: White, Gray and Black Propaganda.


白色宣传:White Propaganda:

  • 白色宣传White propaganda 是指材料的生产者被明确标记和标明、信息目的透明的宣传类型。is a type of propaganda where the producer of the material is clearly marked and indicated, and the purpose of the information is transparent.

  • 白色宣传通常被称为营销和公共关系。White Propaganda is commonly known as marketing and public relations.

  • 白色宣传涉及将消息从已知来源传达给接收者(通常是公众或某些目标受众)。 White Propaganda involves communicating a message from a known source to a recipient (typically the public or some targeted sub-audience). 

  • 白色宣传主要基于事实,尽管通常没有说出全部真相。White Propaganda is mainly based on the fact, although the whole truth is often not told.

灰色宣传:Gray Propaganda:

  • 灰色宣传Gray Propaganda 是指传播来自不明来源或隐藏来源的虚假叙述或故事。is communication of a false narrative or story from an unattributed or hidden source.

  • 信使可能是已知的,但消息的真正来源却未知。The messenger may be known, but the true source of the message is not.

  • 通过避免来源归属,观看者将无法确定消息的创建者或背后的动机。这是现代企业媒体的常见做法,其中经常引用未注明来源的消息来源。By avoiding source attribution, the viewer becomes unable to determine the creator or motives behind the message. This is common practice in modern corporate media, in which unattributed sources are often cited.

  • 灰色宣传的一个例子是在新闻媒体上刊登新闻报道,而不是购买广告来直接吸引目标受众。这也是常见的做法,延伸到公司或倡导团体“代写”整篇文章,然后将其发表,就好像源自独立新闻媒体的分析和写作一样。An example of gray propaganda would be placing news stories in news outlets instead of buying ads to directly appeal to the intended audience. This is also common practice, extending to “ghost writing” of entire articles by corporations or advocacy groups which are then published as if originating from independent news outlet analysis and writing.

  • 当使用灰色宣传时,通过新闻媒体传播的信息或虚假叙述似乎是中立的,因此是可信的,而来自明显反对目标(个人或组织)或宣传信息倡导者的直接呼吁将是难以置信。When using gray propaganda, a message or false narrative coming through the news media appears to be neutral, thus believable, whereas the direct appeal from someone who is clearly an opponent of the target (person or organization) or advocate of the promoted message would be unbelievable.

  • Astroturfing Astroturfing,即利用假的有组织的“草根”运动来传播信息或虚假叙述,是灰色宣传的一个例子。, the use of fake organized “grassroots” movements to spread a message or false narrative —is an example of gray propaganda.

  • “知更鸟行动”是Operation Mockingbird, 美国中央情报局(CIA)的一项大型计划,始于冷战初期,操纵美国国内新闻媒体机构达到宣传目的,经常采用灰色the large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and manipulated domestic American news media organizations for propaganda purposes, often employed 宣传Gray Propaganda.

黑色宣传:Black Propaganda:

  • 黑人宣传的Black propaganda 目的是给人留下这样的印象:它是由那些想要抹黑的人创造的。 is designed to create the impression that it was created by those it is intended to discredit.

  • 黑色宣传通常用于通过歪曲事实来诽谤或羞辱对手或敌人。Black Propaganda is typically used to vilify or embarrass an opponent or enemy through misrepresentation.

  • 黑人宣传的主要特征是,当有效时,接受者(观众)不知道有人正在影??响他们,因此不会感到被推向某个方向。The major characteristic of black propaganda, when effective, is that the recipient (audience) is not aware that someone is influencing them, and therefore does not feel pushed in a certain direction.

  • 黑人宣传声称其来源并非真实来源。这是最常与秘密心理操作相关的宣传类型。Black propaganda purports to emanate from a source other than the true source. This is the type of propaganda most often associated with covert psychological operations.

  • 有时消息来源会被隐瞒或归于虚假权威,并被用来传播谎言、捏造和欺骗。Sometimes the source is concealed or credited to a false authority and used to spread lies, fabrications, and deceptions.

  • 黑色宣传是“弥天大谎”,包括各种创造性的欺骗。Black propaganda is the “Big Lie”, including all types of creative deceit.

  • 黑色宣传依赖于接收者是否愿意接受消息来源的可信度。如果黑色宣传信息的创建者或发送者没有充分了解其目标受众,则该信息可能会被误解、显得可疑或完全失败。Black propaganda relies on the willingness of the receiver to accept the credibility of the source. If the creators or senders of the black propaganda message do not adequately understand their intended audience, the message may be misunderstood, seem suspicious, or fail altogether.

黑色宣传的例子:Examples of Black Propaganda:

  • 解密文件显示,英国政府数十年来一直在开展秘密“黑色宣传”运动,针对非洲、中东和亚洲部分地区散发传单和虚假消息来源的报告,旨在通过煽动种族紧张局势、制造混乱、破坏冷战时期敌人的稳定,煽动暴力和强化反共思想。Declassified documents have revealed that the British government ran a secret “black propaganda” campaign for decades, targeting Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia with leaflets and reports from fake sources aimed at destabilizing cold war enemies by encouraging racial tensions, sowing chaos, inciting violence and reinforcing anti-communist ideas.

  • 美国国防部战略影响办公室(OSI)(现已更名为并重组为“信息活动办公室”)是专门为宣传黑人宣传而设计的。The US DoD Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) (now renamed and restructured as “Office of Information Activities”) was specifically designed to propagate black propaganda.

    • 信息活动办公室(OIA)The Office of Information Activities (OIA) 目前隶属于负责currently resides within the 特种作战和低强度冲突的助理国防部长办公室,Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict负责 with 军事心理战活动的政策监督responsibility for policy oversight of military psychological operations activities.

    • 9·11 事件之后,美国国防部组织并成立了战略影响办公室 (OSI),该办公室的使命被《纽约时报》描述为“散发机密提案,呼吁采取激进的行动,不仅利用外国媒体,互联网,而且还有秘密行动。” Following 9-11, the US DoD  organized and implemented the Office of Strategic Influence (OSI), which maintained a mission described by The New York Times as "circulating classified proposals calling for aggressive campaigns that use[d] not only the foreign media and the Internet, but also covert operations."[[

    • 当时,五角大楼官员表示,现场视察局将执行“一项广泛的使命,从利用虚假信息和其他秘密活动的‘黑色’活动,到依赖真实新闻发布的‘白色’公共事务”。At the time, Pentagon officials said that the OSI was to pursue 'a broad mission ranging from 'black' campaigns that use disinformation and other covert activities to 'white' public affairs that rely on truthful news releases.’因此,OSI 的行动旨在包括黑人宣传活动。 Therefore, OSI's operations were intended to include black propaganda activities.

    • OSI 的行动包括联系媒体、记者和社区领袖并向其发送电子邮件,提供对抗敌视美国的外国政府和组织的信息。在此过程中,电子邮件将通过使用以 .com 结尾的地址(而不是使用 .mil 的标准五角大楼地址)来掩盖,并隐藏美国政府和五角大楼的任何参与。OSI's operations included contacting and emailing media, journalists, and community leaders with information that would counter foreign governments and organizations that are hostile to the United States. In doing so, the emails would be masked by using addresses ending with .com as opposed to using the standard Pentagon address of .mil, and hide any involvement of the US government and the Pentagon.

随着计算技术,特别是互联网的出现,许多不同派系利用宣传的能力呈指数级增长。 With the advent of computational technology, particularly the internet – the ability of many different factions to use propaganda has grown exponentially. 

计算宣传可以被描述为“通过互联网发生的一种新兴形式的政治操纵”(Computational propaganda can be described as an “emergent form of political manipulation that occurs over the Internet” (Woolley 和 Howard Woolley and Howard,计算宣传。政党、政治家和社交媒体上的政治操纵,2018 年,第 3 页)。计算算法宣传用于社交媒体——博客、论坛和其他涉及参与和讨论的网站。此类宣传通常通过数据挖掘和算法机器人来执行,这些机器人通常由人工智能和机器学习等先进技术创建和控制。通过利用这些工具,计算宣传可以污染信息并在互联网上快速传播虚假新闻(, Computational Propaganda. Political Parties, Politicians, and Political Manipulation on Social Media, 2018, p. 3). Computational algorithmic propaganda is used in social media - on blogs, forums and other websites that involve participation and discussion. This type of propaganda is often executed through data mining and algorithmic bots, which are usually created and controlled by advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning. By exploiting these tools, computational propaganda can pollute information and rapidly spread false news around the internet (Woolley 和 Howard Woolley and Howard,2018)。, 2018).

欧洲议会将计算宣传定义为“利用算法、自动化和人工管理,The European parliament has defined computational propaganda as “the use of algorithms, automation, and human curation 有目的地to purposefully distribute misleading information 通过社交媒体网络传播误导性信息”。over social media networks”.

人们可以很容易地发现这个定义的一个主要问题。请记住,宣传的经典定义是,它可以由真理和谎言组成,旨在强制和操纵善或恶。然而,“计算宣??传”的工作定义是,它仅包含用于邪恶(邪恶)目的的“One can easily detect a major issue with this definition.  Remember, the classic definition of propaganda is that it can composed of truths and untruths meant to coerce and manipulate for good or evil.  However, the working definition of “computational propaganda” is that it is only comprised of “误导性misleading”信息。这是否意味着,如果政府使用计算算法来操纵真实信息,那么这不是计算宣传?” information meant for nefarious (evil) purposes. Does this mean that if a government uses computational algorithms to manipulate via truthful information then this is not computational propaganda?

通过使用这一在学术界和互联网上传播的狭隘定义,欧洲议会将宣传定义为仅包括恶意的“错误信息”。因此,传播良好信息的计算方法不会包含在计算宣传的定义中。这是故意的疏忽吗?很可能不会。By using this narrow definition, which has spread throughout academia and the internet, the European Parliament has defined propaganda to include only malicious “misinformation”. Hence, computational methods to spread good information would not be included in their definition of computational propaganda.  Was this an intentional oversight?  Most likely not.

说实话,不仅仅是“坏人”在使用计算宣传。世界各地政府如何讨论和使用这些技术来引导人们吃得更好、戒烟,甚至如何在公共场所表现得更好的例子比比皆是。这通常被称为“助推”技术。Truth be told, it isn’t just “bad actors” who are using computational propaganda. Examples abound of how these technologies are being discussed and have been used across the world by governments to induce people to eat better, stop smoking or even how to behave in public spaces. This is generally referred to as “Nudge” technologies.

问题在于,从历史上看,那些利用宣传的人会使用一切必要的手段来达到他们的目的。即使宣传是为了做好事并得到该领域专家的支持。宣传的目的是控制我们的思想和行为。宣传者用“有效性”来衡量成功。宣传者将使用他们被允许使用的任何工具来实现这些目的。目前,政府还没有规定他们可以走多远。事实上,很少有人承认这些工具正在被使用。The problem is that, historically, those who employ propaganda will use whatever means are necessary to achieve their ends. Even when propaganda is in the service of doing good and is backed up by experts in the field. Propaganda aims to control our thoughts and behaviors. The propagandist measures success by “effectiveness”. Propagandists will use whatever tools they are allowed to use to achieve those ends. Currently, there are no government regulations on just how far they are allowed to go.  In fact, it is rarely acknowledged that these tools are even being used.

现代宣传人员可用的工具变得越来越复杂。我们不仅要对通过网络免费获取的个人信息进行数据挖掘以针对我们使用,而且这些数据还与诸如轻推、神经语言编程、催眠、可视化、重复图像和消息传递等行为工具相结合,通常通过使用机器人和巨魔来使用。  The tools available to modern propagandists have become increasingly sophisticated.  Not only are we being subjected to data mining of the personal information which freely available via the web to use against us, but these data are being combined with behavioral tools such as nudging, neuro-linguistic programing, hypnosis, visualization, repetitive imagery and messaging, which are often employed through the use of bots and trolls. 

这里有一个安全提示:切勿参加免费的在线问卷或游戏。创建这些活动的组织正在将您的答案以及您的电子邮件或 Facebook 地址/个人信息出售给感兴趣的第三方。这是我们都应该熟悉的一种数据挖掘方法。Here is a safety tip: never participate in free, online questionnaires or games. The organizations that create these activities are selling your answers and your email or facebook address/personal information to interested third parties.  This is one method of data mining that we should all be familiar with.

在新冠危机的过去三年里,基于先进应用心理学的宣传方法已经被开发出来并成功运用,以强迫人们服用实验性疫苗产品、戴上对预防病毒感染或传播无效的纸口罩、以及隔离或隔离。 “封锁”。我们都经历过这场大规模宣传运动的影响,这是世界前所未见的。Over the last three years of the COVIDcrisis, propaganda methods based on advanced applied psychology have been developed and successfully deployed for coercing people into taking experimental vaccine products, to wear paper masks that are not effective in preventing viral infection or transmission, and to quarantine or “lock down”. We have all lived through the effects of this massive propaganda campaign, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

心理战:Psyops:当军队、情报机构或警察使用宣传技术时,称为心理战。政府可以使用心理战来对付外国人(心理战)或政府公民(国内)。 When propaganda techniques are used by the military, intelligence agencies or the police, it is referred to as psyops. Psyops can be used by governments against a foreign population (PsyWar) or against the citizens of a government (domestically).

人们有一种误解,认为美国政府不对国内民众进行宣传。情况可能曾经如此,但现在不再如此。根据There is a misconception that the US Government does not conduct propaganda on its domestic population.  This may have once been the case, but no longer. According to the 美国国防部US Department of Defense “Psychological Operations Manual” 2010年《心理战手册》,在国内危机管理中,国防部可以在危机管理期间参与针对平民的心理战行动。手册指出:of 2010, in the case of domestic crisis management the DoD can become involved in Psyops operations against civilian citizens during times of crisis management.  The manual states:

“获得授权后,心理战部队可在国内使用,通过通知国内民众,在救灾和危机管理期间协助主要联邦机构”“When authorized, PSYOP forces may be used domestically to assist lead federal agencies during disaster relief and crisis management by informing the domestic population”

尽管许多人认为Although many believed that the 1948 年《史密斯-蒙特法案》Smith-Mundt Act of 1948禁止美国政府使用宣传手段,但事实并非如此。《史密斯蒙特法案》仅适用于美国政府为外国市场开发的特定媒体机构,并且仅适用于美国国务院和相对默默无闻的广播理事会(BBG)。此外,该法案之前的大部分限制已于 2013 年废除或修订。没有什么可以阻止美国政府(包括中央情报局和国防部)向美国人民进行宣传。我们的政府、媒体、大学和医疗机构只是经常使用宣传的国内组织中的一小部分。 banned the use of propaganda by the US government, nothing is further from the truth.  The Smith-Mundt Act only applied to specific media outlets developed by the US Government for foreign markets, and only to the US State Department and to the relatively obscure Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). Furthermore, most of the prior restrictions placed by that act were repealed or amended in 2013.  There is nothing that stops the US Government (including CIA and DoD) from propagandizing the American people. Our government, media, universities, and medical establishments are just a few of the domestic organizations that routinely use propaganda.

1975 年至 1976 年间,一系列国会调查(“教会委员会”)对中央情报局的广泛行动(包括中央情报局与记者的关系)进行了审查。丘奇委员会于 1976 年 4 月发表的最终报告对这些调查中中央情报局与新闻媒体的关系进行了最广泛的讨论。该报告涵盖了中央情报局与外国和国内新闻媒体的关系。Between 1975 to 1976, a wide range of CIA operations (including CIA ties with journalists) were examined in a series of Congressional investigations (the “Church Committee”). The most extensive discussion of CIA relations with news media from these investigations is in the Church Committee's final report, published in April 1976. The report covered CIA ties with both foreign and domestic news media.

对于国外新闻媒体来说,报道的结论是:For foreign news media, the report concluded that:

中央情报局目前在世界各地维持着一个由数百名外国人士组成的网络,他们为中央情报局提供情报,有时试图通过秘密宣传来影响舆论。这些人为中央情报局提供了直接接触大量报纸和期刊、数十家新闻服务机构和新闻机构、广播电台和电视台、商业图书出版商以及其他外国媒体的渠道。The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide intelligence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda. These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media outlets.

对于国内媒体来说,报道指出:For domestic media, the report states:

[机构] 大约有 50 名资产是美国记者或美国媒体机构的雇员。其中,不到一半得到美国媒体机构的“认可”……剩下的人是未经认可的自由撰稿人和海外媒体代表……十几家美国新闻机构和商业出版社曾为中央情报局提供掩护国外代理。其中一些组织并不知道他们提供了这种掩护。Approximately 50 of the [Agency] assets are individual American journalists or employees of U.S. media organizations. Of these, fewer than half are "accredited" by U.S. media organizations ... The remaining individuals are non-accredited freelance contributors and media representatives abroad ... More than a dozen United States news organizations and commercial publishing houses formerly provided cover for CIA agents abroad. A few of these organizations were unaware that they provided this cover.

记者卡尔·伯恩斯坦 (Carl Bernstein) 1977 年 10 月在Journalist Carl Bernstein, writing in an October 1977 article in the magazine 《滚石》Rolling Stone杂志上发表文章称,教会委员会的报告掩盖了中央情报局与新闻媒体的关系,并点名了一些他采访过的中央情报局官员表示与中央情报局合作的记者和组织。这篇文章的副本,题为“, said that the Church Committee report covered up CIA relations with news media, and named a number of journalists and organizations who CIA officers he interviewed said worked with the CIA. A copy of that article, titled “美国THE CIA AND THE MEDIA 最强大的新闻媒体如何与中央情报局密切合作以及教会委员会为何掩盖此事”,How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up”可以通过回溯机在这里找到。 can be found here via the wayback machine.

许多人认为中央情报局被禁止对美国公民部署现代宣传和监视技术,但事实并非如此。前些年,为此出台了各种指令,例如:Many believe that the CIA is prohibited from deploying modern propaganda and surveillance technologies on US Citizens, but that is not the case. In prior years, there have been various directives to this effect, for example:

根据教会委员会的最终报告,前中央情报局局长威廉·科尔比告诉委员会,他在 1973 年曾发出指示,“作为一般政策,中情局不会秘密使用具有重大影响或影响的美国出版物的员工”。对舆论的影响。”According to the final Church Committee report, former CIA director William Colby told the committee that in 1973 he had issued instructions that "As a general policy, the Agency will not make any clandestine use of staff employees of U.S. publications which have a substantial impact or influence on public opinion."

In response to the pressure from the emerging Church Committee findings, during February 1976 CIA Director George H. W. Bush announced an even more restrictive policy: "effective immediately, CIA will not enter into any paid or contractual relationship with any 为了应对教会委员会调查结果带来的压力,1976 年 2 月,中央情报局局长乔治·H·W·布什宣布了一项更为严格的政策:“立即生效,中央情报局不会与任何全职或兼职人员建立任何有偿或合同关系。经任何美国新闻机构、报纸、期刊、广播或电视网络或电台认可的新闻记者。full-time or part-time news correspondent accredited by any U.S. news service, newspaper, periodical, radio or television network or station.

The final Church Committee report also stated that all CIA contacts with 教会委员会的最终报告还指出,中央情报局与认可记者的accredited journalists所有联系在发布时均已终止。然而,委员会指出, had been dropped at the time of publication. The Committee noted, however, that “经认可的记者”意味着该禁令仅限于“通过合同或颁发新闻证件正式授权以记者身份代表自己”的个人,以及没有收到新闻证件的非合同工,例如纵梁或自由职业者,不包括在内"accredited correspondent" meant the ban was limited to individuals "formally authorized by contract or issuance of press credentials to represent themselves as correspondents" and that non-contract workers who did not receive press credentials, such as stringers or freelancers, were not included.

美国公民自由联盟在2015年的一份题为“新文件对中情局在国内从事间谍活动提出疑问The American Civil Liberties Union followed up on the related issue of domestic CIA spying in a 2015 investigation and report titled “”的调查和报告中对中情局国内间谍活动New Docs Raise Questions About CIA Spying Here at Home的相关问题进行了跟踪。虽然今天的美国公民自由联盟已删除许多关键引用文件的链接,但您可以在其他来源找到它们,例如中央情报局的. While links to many of the key cited documents have been deleted by today’s ACLU, they can be found at other sources such as the CIA’s 信息自由法电子阅览室Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room虽然这篇文章写于 2015 年,但随后的行政行动和立法似乎只是增加了包括中央情报局在内的情报界参与国内监视(直接或通过联邦调查局)、审查和宣传活动的权力。. While the article is from 2015, subsequent executive actions and legislation only appear to have increased the authority of the intelligence community including the CIA to engage in domestic surveillance (directly and via the FBI), censorship and propaganda activities.

当前关于政府监视的争论在很大程度上忽视了中央情报局,可能是因为我们对该机构在美国境内的活动知之甚少。The current debate about government surveillance has largely overlooked the CIA, possibly because we know little about the agency’s activities within the United States. While the relevant legal authorities governing the CIA, including Executive Order 虽然管理 CIA 的相关法律机构(包括第 12333 号12333行政命令)规定了 CIA 的职责,但它们的规定是广义的。除了 EO 12333 和其他法律的一般性规定之外,公众几乎没有机会审查管理 CIA 活动的规则。, set out the CIA’s mandate, they do so in broad terms. Beyond the generalities in EO 12333 and other laws, the public has had few opportunities to examine the rules governing the CIA’s activities.

我们几乎一无所知的最重要的监视令。The Most Important Surveillance Order We Know Almost Nothing About.

但我们今天比几周前知道的更多。为了回应 ACLU 和耶鲁大学法学院媒体自由和信息访问诊所提起的《信息自由法》诉讼,中央情报局发布了一系列有关中央情报局根据 EO 12333 进行监视的文件。(司法部最近还发布了一系列文件)与行政命令相关的文件。)But we know more today than we did a few weeks ago. In response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the ACLU and Yale Law School’s Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic, the CIA has released a slew of documents concerning CIA surveillance under EO 12333. (The Justice Department has also recently released a set of documents related to the executive order.)

20 世纪 70 年代关于美国政府对其公民进行间谍活动的适当限制的全国性辩论在很大程度上是关于中央情报局的。在水门事件丑闻和有关中央情报局其他非法活动的新闻报道之后,杰拉尔德·福特总统和国会对中央情报局的各种不当行为展开了调查——从国内间谍计划和左翼组织的渗透到未经同意的人体实验和尝试暗杀外国领导人。The national debate in the 1970s about the proper limits of U.S. government spying on its own citizens was, to a large extent, about the CIA. In the wake of the Watergate scandal and news stories about other illegal CIA activity, President Gerald Ford and Congress launched investigations into the full range of CIA misdeeds — from domestic spying programs and infiltration of leftist organizations to experimentation on non-consenting human subjects and attempts to assassinate foreign leaders.

尽管中央情报局对美国人进行间谍活动的法定权力非常有限,但由参议员弗兰克·丘奇、副总统纳尔逊·洛克菲勒和众议员奥蒂斯·派克担任主席的这些调查委员会发现中央情报局参与了一项大规模的国内间谍项目,即“行动”。 CHAOS”,针对反战活动人士和政治异见人士。该委员会的报告还透露,20多年来,中央情报局不分青红皂白地截获并拆开了数十万封美国人的信件。除了记录情报机构广泛违法行为外,教会委员会还得出结论,宪法制衡体系“没有充分控制情报活动”。Although the CIA’s legal authority to spy on Americans was very narrow, these investigative committees — chaired by Sen. Frank Church, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, and Rep. Otis Pike — discovered that the CIA had engaged in a massive domestic spying project, “Operation CHAOS,” which targeted anti-war activists and political dissenters. The committee reports also revealed that, for more than 20 years, the CIA had indiscriminately intercepted and opened hundreds of thousands of Americans’ letters. In addition to documenting the intelligence agencies’ extensive violations of the law, the Church Committee concluded that the constitutional system of checks and balances “has not adequately controlled intelligence activities.“

教会委员会的结论——本质上是一个警告——至今仍然引起共鸣。虽然中央情报局发布的文件经过大量编辑,提出的问题多于答案,但它们强烈表明该机构的国内活动非常广泛。The Church Committee’s conclusion — at core, an admonition — still resonates today. While the documents that the CIA has released are heavily redacted, raising more questions than they answer, they strongly suggest that the agency’s domestic activities are extensive.

文件中的一些要点:Some highlights from the documents:

中央情报局的一项重要法规A key CIA regulation—— —名为“AR 2-2” titled “AR 2-2” ——管理着中央情报局活动的进行,其中包括国内情报收集。 governs the conduct of the CIA’s activities, which include domestic intelligence collection.

AR 2-2 此前从未公开发布过,其中包括管理广泛活动的规则,包括监视美国人、人体实验、与学术机构的合同、与美国新闻媒体记者和工作人员的关系以及与神职人员的关系和传教士。AR 2-2, which has never been publicly released before, includes rules governing a wide range of activities, including surveillance of U.S. persons, human experimentation, contracts with academic institutions, relations with journalists and staff of U.S. news media, and relations with clergy and missionaries.

AR 2-2 的几个附件包含该机构的 EO 12333 实施程序。例如,附件 A“中央情报局在美国境外的活动指南”规定了中央情报局针对美国公民和海外永久居民的活动的程序。许多相关信息已被编辑。附件 F“中央情报局和缉毒局海外麻醉品活动的行为和协调程序”的关键部分也进行了类似的编辑,包括讨论各机构“有关电子监控的具体协议”的部分。Several annexes to AR 2-2 contain the agency’s EO 12333 implementing procedures. For example, Annex A, “Guidance for CIA Activities Outside the United States,” sets forth the procedures that apply to CIA activity directed toward U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are abroad. Much of the relevant information is redacted. Annex F, “Procedures Governing Conduct and Coordination by CIA and DEA of Narcotics Activities Abroad,” is similarly redacted in key sections, including the section discussing the agencies’ “Specific Agreement Concerning Electronic Surveillance.”

这些文件表明,中央情报局从事广泛的国内活动,通常与联邦调查局合作。The documents indicate that the CIA engages in a wide array of domestic activity, often in conjunction with the FBI.

在国内,中央情报局的间谍活动受 AR 2-2 附件 B“中央情报局在美国境内活动的指导”管辖。本文档解释:Domestically, the CIA’s spying is governed by Annex B to AR 2-2, “Guidance for CIA Activities Within the United States.” This document explains:


亮点部分:二. (U) 责任。 中央情报局在美国境内负责 (A) U. 收集、制作和传播外国情报和反情报,包括反情报和重要的外国情报


尽管 EO 12333、AR 2-2 和附件 B 禁止该机构在美国境内从事电子监视,但中央情报局仍然可以要求联邦调查局执行其命令:Although EO 12333, AR 2-2, and Annex B prohibit the agency from engaging in electronic surveillance within the United States, the CIA can nevertheless ask the FBI to do its bidding:



附件 B 和 CIA-FBI 谅解备忘录与过去的报道一致,即外国情报监视法院授权 FBI 与 CIA 合作,根据《爱国者法》第 215 条批量收集美国人的财务记录。Annex B and the CIA-FBI memorandum of understanding comport with past reporting that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorized the FBI to work with the CIA to collect Americans’ financial records in bulk under Patriot Act Section 215.

此外,附件 B 解释说,如果中央情报局总法律顾问同意,中央情报局可以“在执法目的不需要搜查令的情况下在美国境内使用监控设备。”In addition, Annex B explains that the CIA may “use a monitoring device within the United States under circumstances in which a warrant would not be required for law enforcement purposes if the CIA General Counsel concurs.”

但什么才算是“监控设备”呢?监视与中央情报局在国内被禁止进行的“电子监视”到底有何不同?我们不知道。在新发布的文件中,“监控”(与“电子监控”不同)的定义被修改。?But what qualifies as a “monitoring device”? And how exactly does monitoring differ from “electronic surveillance,” which the CIA is prohibited from doing domestically? We don’t know. In the newly released documents, the definition of “monitoring” (as distinct from “electronic surveillance”) is redacted.?

中央情报局还根据 EO 12333 向国会提交了数年的有关该机构活动的年度报告。这些报告首先讨论“中央情报局在美国境内开展的情报活动”。这个标题后面是数十个完全经过编辑的页面——再次表明该机构正在国内从事大量情报活动。?The CIA also turned over several years’ worth of annual reports to Congress about the agency’s activities under EO 12333. These reports begin by discussing “Intelligence Activities Conducted by CIA Within the United States.” This header is followed by dozens of entirely redacted pages — once again suggesting that the agency is engaged in a significant amount of intelligence activity here at home. ?

处理美国人信息的规则非常复杂,以至于中央情报局很难正确应用它们。The rules for the handling of Americans’ information are so complex that the CIA struggled to apply them properly.

A 2002 中央情报局监察长 2002 年的一份报告《情报活动评估:遵守第 12333 号行政命令:1995 年至 2000 年[已编辑]收集资料的使用》指出,中央情报局内部“普遍普遍缺乏了解report管理美国公民和永久居民信息的保留和共享的规则。特别是,监察办发现很少有管理人员或其他官员“能够准确说明保留或传播美国人信息的适当程序”,并得出结论认为该机构“没有一致地应用这些规则”。 by the CIA inspector general, “Intelligence Activity Assessment: Compliance with Executive Order 12333: The Use of [redacted] Collection [redacted] from 1995–2000,” observed “a general and widespread lack of understanding” within the CIA of the rules governing the retention and sharing of U.S. citizens’ and permanent residents’ information. In particular, the OIG found that few managers or other officers “could accurately state the appropriate procedures for retaining or disseminating U.S. person information,” and it concluded that these rules were “not being applied consistently” by the agency.

让人们相信美国政府不会对自己的人民进行宣传,这对我们的政府有利,但事实并非如此。It benefits our government for people to believe that the US Government does not use propaganda against its own people, but nothing could be further from the truth. Furthermore, through the reciprocal spying and intelligence sharing terms and conditions of the 此外,通过五眼联盟(FVEY)Five Eyes Alliance的互惠间谍和情报共享条款和条件,FVEY情报机构之一遇到的任何国内间谍和宣传活动障碍都可以通过与另一成员合作来规避。 (FVEY), any barriers to domestic spying and propaganda activities which one of the FVEY intelligence agencies encounter can be circumvented by working with another member.

通过将宣传与神经语言编程、催眠、机器人、大数据和受控信息传递等技术相结合,“我们人民”是否有个人信仰,或者我们认为的一切都被操纵了?如果是这样,这对民主意味着什么?By combining propaganda with techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, bots, big data and controlled messaging, do “we the people” even have individual beliefs, or is everything we think manipulated? If that is the case, what does this mean for democracy?

当政府决定对本国公民发动心理战时,自由机构、主权、投票诚信和代议制民主的基本原理和概念就变得无关紧要。When a government decides to wage PsyWar on its own citizens, then the fundamentals and concepts of free agency, sovereignty, voting integrity and representative democracy become irrelevant.

如果我们希望保持独立的思想家并保持我们学习、思考和辩论问题的能力,我们就必须成为反对宣传的战士。If we wish to remain independent thinkers and preserve our ability to learn, think, and debate issues we must become warriors in the fight against propaganda.

美国政府宣传系统如何进行控制的真实例子A Real World Example of How the USG Propaganda System Works to Control


约翰·霍普金斯大学与比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会、疾病预防控制中心、联合国、世界卫生组织 (WHO)、世界经济论坛 (WEF) 和中央情报局以及世界领导人和主流媒体 (MSM) 合作,举行了一系列历时数十年的流行病战争游戏。这些演习的结果通常得出这样的结论:在发生生物威胁的情况下需要控制人口,在此期间将使用行为矫正和心理战技术来加强民众的合作。Johns Hopkins University, in conjunction with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the CDC, The UN, the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the CIA as well as world leaders and main stream media (MSM), held a series of Pandemic war games that occurred over the span of decades. The outcome of these exercises usually ended with the conclusion that there is a need to control populations in the case of a biothreat, during which behavioral modification and Psyops techniques would be used to enforce cooperation from the populace.

即使是现在,人们也可以浏览约翰霍普金斯大学健康安全中心的网站,看到他们当前的项目包括对“反错误信息行动”的分析,他们称之为“Even now, one can wander over to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security website and see their current projects include an analysis of “anti-misinformation actions'“, which they call the “错误信息环境Environment of Misinformation”。2021年3月,该中心发布了一份题为“.”  In March 2021, this center published a report entitled “打击针对COVID-19和未来公共卫生威胁的错误信息和虚假信息的国家优先事项:呼吁制定国家战略National Priorities to Combat Misinformation and Disinformation for COVID-19 and Future Public Health Threats: A Call for a National Strategy”的报告。在那份报告中,他们列出了世界各国政府在 COVID-19 期间制定的一些计划。 ”. In that report, they laid out some of the plans that governments across the world enacted during COVID-19. 

通过多部门和多机构协作,确保全国范围内做出反应Ensure a whole-of-nation response through multisector and multiagency collaboration

  • 通过与社交媒体、新闻媒体、政府、国家安全官员、公共卫生官员、科学家、公众和其他人的集体规划,确保多部门合作制定国家战略,打击公共卫生错误信息。Ensure multisector collaboration in the development of a national strategy to combat public health misinformation through collective planning with social media, news media, government, national security officials, public health officials, scientists, the public, and others.

打击有关 COVID-19 和未来公共卫生威胁的错误信息和虚假信息的国家优先事项:呼吁制定国家战略National Priorities to Combat Misinformation and Disinformation for COVID-19 and Future Public Health Threats: A Call for a National Strategy

  • 加强政府各利益攸关方之间的协调,并对管理与健康相关的错误信息和虚假信息的努力和责任进行跨政府分析,以简化和组织工作。Increase coordination across the range of government stakeholders and conduct a cross-governmental analysis of efforts and responsibilities for managing health-related misinformation and disinformation in order to streamline and organize efforts.

    美国主要机构包括国防部、卫生与公众服务部、国土安全部以及联邦调查局、国家安全局和中央情报局等情报机构Key US agencies include the Department of Defense, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Homeland Security as well as intelligence agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency.

  • 鼓励社交媒体和新闻媒体公司进行积极、透明、无党派的干预,以识别和消除、控制虚假信息的传播并减少虚假信息的产生。” Encourage active, transparent, nonpartisan intervention from social media and news media companies to identify and remove, control the spread of, and curtail generators of false information.”[15]。  [15]. 

请注意,第一句话主张“全国范围内”和“多机构”的响应与合作。这将包括国防部以及美国情报部门的所有部门。下一节特别提到国防部和情报部门将更多地参与打击错误信息和虚假信息,不仅针对 COVID-19,而且针对未来的公共卫生威胁。Note the first sentence advocates both a “whole-of-nation” and “multiagency” response and collaboration. That would include the Department of Defense as well as all branches of US intelligence. The next section specifically mentions the DoD and intelligence becoming more involved in combating misinformation and disinformation, not only for COVID-19 but for FUTURE public health threats.

事实是,世界领导人、政府、大媒体、大型制药公司、社交媒体和科技巨头已经在忙于规划下一次大流行应对措施。事实上,他们再次将口罩(甚至银行!)武器化,并通过越来越多的测试收集新冠病例数,以加强新“加强”疫苗的销售和营销(例如宣传)。该计划包括我们所有的情报机构。事实上,在约翰霍普金斯大学健康安全中心标题为“当前项目,The truth is that world leaders, governments, big media, big pharma, social media and tech giants are already busy planning out the next pandemic response. In fact, they are again weaponizing masks (and even banking!), and collecting up COVID case counts by more and more testing to ramp up the sales and marketing (eg propaganda) for new “booster” vaccines. This planning includes all of our intelligence agencies. In fact, on the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security webpage titled “CURRENT PROJECTS, the 为 COVID-19 疫苗做好准备的人群工作组Working Group ”的网页上,将其两名工作组成员列为IQT(In-Q-Tel),这是CIA 的私人投资公司on Readying Populations for COVID-19 Vaccine” lists two of its working group members as IQT (In-Q-Tel), which is the CIA’s private investment firm这表明中央情报局已经完全掌握了公共卫生综合体。该小组的使命包括“制定一个议程,指导有关 COVID-19 疫苗预期的社会、行为和沟通挑战的研究的汇总、生成和翻译”。这证明中央情报局通过 IQT 参与与非营利机构合作开展针对美国人民的宣传活动。. This shows just how completely the CIA has captured the public health complex. This group’s mission includes “ an agenda to guide the aggregation, generation, and translation of research about the social, behavioral, and communication challenges anticipated with COVID-19 vaccine”. This is evidence that the CIA, through IQT, is involved in working with non-profit agencies to create propaganda campaigns against the American people.

那么,对于我们这些相信有比受控制更好的生活方式的人来说,现在不是应该制定应对措施和措施来对抗所有这些严厉措施的时候了吗?制定可用于应对生物威胁的应对措施,不采用审查、宣传、强制和行为矫正技术。你知道,政府依靠人们在获取和检查所有可用的相关信息后利用自己的批判性思维技能来评估什么对自己和家人最有利,这是一种老式的方式。So, isn’t it time for those of us who believe there is a better way to live than to be controlled, to plan out responses and measures to combat all these draconian measures? To develop counter measures that could be utilized to a bio-threat that do not employ censorship, propaganda, mandates and behavioral modification techniques. You know, the old-fashioned way where the government relies on people to use their own critical thinking skills to assess what is best for themselves and their families after getting and examining all the relevant information available.

关于“我们”在 COVID-19 大流行期间过去和现在如何受到控制、推动、审查和欺骗的集体小组讨论是有必要的。因为这些通过行为改变和宣传进行控制的努力在我们的数字世界中只会越来越多。A collective group discussion concerning both how “we” were and are still being controlled, nudged, censored and lied to during the COVID-19 pandemic is in order. Because these efforts to control through behavioral modification and propaganda are only increasing through-out our digital world.

真相与宣传:Truth and Propaganda:


Stella Morabito, author of the article “《真相还是宣传》Truth or Propaganda一文的作者斯特拉·莫拉比托 (Stella Morabito)定义了区分真相和宣传时应提出的 10 个问题。对这些问题中任何一个的回答“是”都应该让人们对信息的来源保持警惕。” defines 10 questions one should ask to distinguish between truth and propaganda.  A “yes” answer to any of these questions should make one wary of the source of the information.

1.     1.     你天生的好奇心是否被压抑了?Is your natural curiosity being suppressed? 无论辩论是关于全球变暖还是性别中立的浴室,还是其他什么,如果你有一个挥之不去的问题或担忧被打断或大声压倒,这是一个明显的迹象,表明你正在被强制灌输宣传。Whether the debate is about global warming or gender-neutral bathrooms, or anything else, if you have a nagging question or concern that is being cut off or shouted down, this is a clear sign you are being force-fed propaganda.

2.     2.     您是否受到诽谤或标签的威胁Are you being threatened with slurs or labels如果您只是表达个人偏好,您是否可能面临被称为“偏执者”、“仇恨者”或“平地论者”或更糟的风险?如果是这样,那么你就处于宣传领域了。对宣传人员来说,谩骂有两个目的:(1)它阻止自由探究和辩论,(2)它通过害怕被“涂柏油和羽毛”来从心理上操纵你。? Might you risk being called “bigot” or “hater” or “flat-earther” or worse if you simply express a personal preference? If so, you are in propaganda territory. Name-calling serves two purposes for propagandists: (1) it shuts down free inquiry and debate, and (2) it psychologically manipulates you through a fear of being “tarred-and-feathered.”

3.     3.     您是否认为如果您提出问题或表达政治不正确的观点,您会受到排斥?Do you feel you will be ostracized if you ask a question or express a politically incorrect view?排斥的威胁可能是帮助精神控制的最古老的操纵伎俩。我们从婴儿期起就生来避免社会孤立,这就是为什么同辈压力如此强大。这也是为什么单独监禁是最可怕的惩罚之一。政治正确性取决于煽动人类对孤独的原始恐惧。 The threat of ostracism is probably the oldest manipulative trick in aid of mind control. We are hardwired from infancy to avoid social isolation, which is why peer pressure is such a powerful force. This is also why solitary confinement is among the most dreaded of punishments. Political correctness depends on inciting the primal human fear of loneliness.

4.     4.     当人们改变观点以适应政治正确的观点时,你是否注意到“羊群效应”?Do you notice a “herd effect” as people shift their opinions to adapt to a politically correct opinion?当其他人不愿意与你进行真正的对话时,你就生活在宣传的漩涡中。也许您看到一位同学,您在今年早些时候可以与他聊天,但他已经随着该程序“进化”到您无法再认真交谈的程度。也许你注意到另一个同学的言语和语气过于犹豫,这是一种预防措施,以避免说出“不可接受的”话。 When others don’t feel comfortable having a real conversation with you, you’re living in a propaganda stew. Perhaps you see a classmate whom you were able to chat with earlier in the year but who has “evolved” with the program to the point that you can’t talk earnestly anymore. Maybe you notice how another classmate is excessively tentative in her speech and tone, a precautionary measure to avoid saying something “unacceptable.”

5.     5.     您是否因为您的问题或意见而被归类?Are you being pigeonholed as a result of your question or opinion?今天的宣传经常通过记分卡来解构你的人性,根据肤色、阶级、家庭构成、性取向、“性别认同”和一大堆“交叉性”成分来评估你的特权或压迫程度。可悲的是,提倡“多样性和平等”的官员们被训练忽视你作为一个完整个体的人性,因此他们可以将你视为身份政治的零碎的复合体。 Today’s propaganda often deconstructs your humanity by way of a scorecard that rates your level of privilege or oppression, based on skin color, class, family make-up, sexuality, “gender identity,” and a whole host of “intersectionality” components. Sadly, officials who promote “diversity and equality” are trained to ignore your humanity as an integrated individual so they can view you as a composite of bits and pieces of identity politics.

6.     6.     你是否觉得如果你自由地表达想法,你就会被贴上疯子的标签?Do you sense that if you express ideas freely, you will be labeled a nutcase?你感觉到关系攻击在起作用吗?煤气灯操纵是一种心理虐待形式,殴打妻子和邪教领袖都会使用这种形式。这也是不受控制的宣传的自然副产品。煤气灯操纵的策略基本上是双重的。首先,让你怀疑自己的理智,或者至少让你认为你对世界的看法是完全孤独的。(想想今天的宣传者经常使用“恐惧症”这个词。) 其次,煤气灯操纵者注重调节和控制受害者的个人关系,使他们感到更加孤立和依赖。 Do you sense relational aggression at play? Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that is used by wife beaters as well as cult leaders. It is a natural byproduct of unchecked propaganda, too. The tactics of gaslighting are basically twofold. First, to get you to doubt your sanity, or at least get you to think you are utterly alone in your perceptions of the world. (Consider the constant use of the term phobia by today’s propagandists.) Second, gaslighters make a point of regulating and controlling the personal relationships of their victims so they feel even more isolated and dependent.

7.     7.     其他人会被你的观点“触动”吗?Will others be “triggered” by your opinion?如果是这样,你很可能陷入了宣传口袋:一个“无询问区”。情感成熟度与个人的适应能力有很大关系。但宣传人员认为这种成熟度对他们的议程构成了威胁。事实上,任何增进友谊或真正理解的事情都会妨碍宣传。那些被不同观点“触发”的人——那些因此在情感上封闭的人——往往既是宣传的受害者,又是宣传的提供者。 If so, you are likely in a propaganda pocket: an “inquiry-free zone.” Emotional maturity has a lot to do with an individual’s ability to adapt. But propagandists see such maturity as a threat to their agendas. In fact, anything that enhances friendship or real understanding gets in the way of propaganda. Those who are “triggered” by a different opinion—who shut down emotionally by it—tend to be both the victims and the purveyors of propaganda.

8.     8.     你是否期望通过现实交易来支撑别人的幻想Are you expected to trade in reality to prop up somebody’s illusion一个常见的例子是要求您遵守代词协议,即使是那些坚持您用复数代词“they”和“them”来指代某个人的协议。这是宣传通过扰乱每个人的语言来扰乱你的思想的一个典型例子。没有共同的语言,没有共同的现实,就没有沟通。人们最终会变得更加孤立,在另一种现实中失去了锚定,从而动摇了自我意识。? One common example is the requirement that you adhere to pronoun protocols, even those that insist you refer to an individual with the plural pronouns they and them. This is a prime example of propaganda messing with your mind by messing with everybody’s language. No common language, no common reality, no communication. People end up even more isolated, unmoored in alternative realities that destabilize a sense of self.

9.     9.     您是否想进行自我审查以避免社会惩罚?Are you tempted to self-censor to avoid social punishment?或者你是否想通过伪造你所相信的东西来获得社会回报?这两种反应形成了一种所谓的“沉默螺旋”,通过制造舆论转变的假象来促进宣传。它通过诱导那些持有政治不正确观点的人——出于对社会拒绝的恐惧——进行自我审查或假装参与该计划,来分离和孤立他们。 Or are you tempted to falsify what you believe to gain social rewards? These two reactions build something called a “spiral of silence” that facilitates propaganda by creating the illusion of an opinion shift. It separates and isolates those who hold the politically incorrect opinion by inducing them—through fear of social rejection—to engage in self-censorship or to pretend to be on board with the program.

10.  10.  你有时会觉得自己陷入了邪教之中吗?Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck in a cult?不受限制的宣传本质上是邪教,因为它压制自由探究并推动思想的彻底整合。它还融合了邪教的许多特征,包括使用欺骗、心理操纵、行为改变、思想黑客、分而治之的策略、社会两极分化、关系攻击、煤气灯操纵、语言控制等等。” Unchecked propaganda is cultlike in nature because it suppresses free inquiry and pushes utter conformity of thought. It also incorporates a lot of features of cults, including the use of deception, psychological manipulation, behavior modification, mind-hacking, divide-and-conquer tactics, social polarization, relational aggression, gaslighting, language control, and much more.”

了解心理战战场的地形是制定抵抗计划的关键组成部分。Understanding the terrain of the PsyWar battlefield is a critical component in developing a game plan for resistance.

谷歌翻译Propaganda and The US Government:



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