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2018 年 9 月 4 日,乌克兰议会主席(最高拉达)On September 4, 2018 the Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) 安德烈·帕鲁Andriy Parubiy比暗示 ’s intimated that 阿道夫·希特勒Adolf Hitler 是“民主的火炬手”。 was “the torchbearer of democracy”.

他的声明在乌克兰 ICTV 频道播出。帕鲁比将阿道夫·希特勒描述为民主的真正支持者,声称这位元首“在 20 世纪 30 年代实行了直接民主”。His statement was broadcast on Ukraine’s ICTV channel. Parubiy described Adolf Hitler as a true proponent of democracy claiming that the Führer  “practiced direct democracy in the 1930s.” (塔斯社Tass,2018 年 9 月 5 日), September 5, 2018)


“我是直接民主的主要支持者……顺便说一句,我告诉你,实行直接民主的最大人物是阿道夫·阿洛伊佐维奇(希特勒)”。(引自《南方阵线》)“I’m a major supporter of direct democracy,… By the way, I tell you that the biggest man, who practised a direct democracy, was Adolf Aloizovich [Hitler]”. (quoted by South Front)

这一有争议的声明没有被西方媒体报道。因遗漏而撒谎。This controversial statement was not picked up by the Western press. Lies by omission.

没有一家Not a single美国、加拿大或欧盟新闻媒体不厌其烦地报道这个故事 US, Canadian or EU News media took the trouble to cover the story.

为什么?因为基辅政权(包括其武装部队和国民警卫队)是由美国及其盟国支持的纳粹分子整合的。帕鲁比受到了西方政府的红地毯待遇。他被随意地描绘成一个右翼政治家,而不是一个公开的新纳粹分子。Why? Because the Kiev regime (including its Armed Forces and National Guard) is integrated by Nazi elements which are supported by the US and its allies. Parubiy has been given red carpet treatment by Western governments. He is casually portrayed as a right wing politician rather than an avowed neo-Nazi.

尴尬还是否认?美国国会、加拿大议会、英国议会、欧洲议会都曾邀请并赞扬M. Parubiy。Embarrassment or denial? The US Congress, Canada’s Parliament, the British Parliament, European Parliament,  have invited and praised M. Parubiy.


帕鲁比与助理国务卿维多利亚·纽兰(奥巴马政府)Parubiy with Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland (Obama Adminstration)

加拿大议会收到Received by the Canadian Parliament

在这里,他(左二)受到加拿大总理贾斯汀·特鲁多的接见。Here he is (second from the Left), received by Canada’s Prime minister Justin Trudeau.

 Parubiy 与欧洲法律民主委员会主席 Gianni Buquicchio,2017 年 6 月  Parubiy  with President of the European Commission for Democracy through Law, Gianni Buquicchio, June, 2017 

马克斯·布卢门撒尔谈帕鲁比与美国外交政策委员会成员的会面,2018 年 7 月 2 日Max Blumenthal on Parubiy’s meeting with members of the American Foreign Policy Council, July 2, 2018

在参议院举行的一场拥挤的会议上,灰色地带的马克斯·布卢门撒尔询问组织者,国会和美国外交政策协会纵容两个新纳粹政党的创始人是否合适。他的问题引起的反应从奇怪到令人深感不安。”“At a packed meeting in the Senate, the Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal asked organizers whether it was appropriate for Congress and the American Foreign Policy Society to be coddling the founder of two neo-Nazi parties. The response his questions elicited ranged from bizarre to deeply troubling.”


2018 年 6 月 15 日,国会中两位最有影响力的共和党人众议院议长保罗·瑞安和参议员约翰·麦凯恩在华盛顿会见帕鲁比。(马克斯·布卢门撒尔报告)June 15, 2018, two of the most influential Republicans in Congress, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain, meet Parubiy in Washington. (Max Blumenthal report)

乌克兰议会反对派集团最高拉达要求公开谴责,并要求拉达主席 The Opposition Bloc faction in Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, has demanded public condemnation as well as the resignation of the Chairman of the Rada 安德烈·帕鲁比辞职。Andriy Parubiy.

安德烈·帕鲁比是谁?为什么西方政客爱他?  Who Is Andriy Parubiy? Why Do Western Politicians Love Him?  


Parubiy founded in 1991 the 帕鲁比于 1991 年与现任乌克兰社会民族党党魁Social-National Party of Ukraine奥莱·泰亚尼博克 ( Oleh Tyahnybok ) 一起创立了 乌克兰社会民族党(后更名为 (subsequently renamed 自由党)。选择社会国家党这个名称是为了复制希特勒的纳粹(国家社会主义)政党的名称Svoboda [Freedom]), together with Oleh Tyahnybok, who currently heads the Svoboda party. The name Social-National Party was chosen with a view to replicating the name of Hitler’s Nazi (National Socialist) party.

Parubiy was ‘Commandant’ of the volunteer rebel forces together with 帕鲁比(Parubiy)与德米特罗·亚罗什( Dmytro DmytroYarosh  )(右翼部门负责人)和奥莱·蒂安尼博克(Oleh  Tyanhnybok  )(上图)一起担任志愿叛军的“指挥官”  。这些新纳粹叛乱势力参与了2014年初的“亲欧盟”政变,导致总统维克托·亚努科维奇被推翻所有三名新纳粹领导人都是乌克兰纳粹分子斯捷潘·班德拉(见下图)的追随者,他在第二次世界大战期间参与了对犹太人和波兰人的大规模屠杀。 Yarosh (head of the Right Sector) and Oleh Tyanhnybok (image above). These neo-Nazi insurgent forces were involved in the ‘Euromaidan’ coup d’etat in early 2014, which led to the overthrow of president Viktor Yanukovych. All three neo-Nazi leaders are followers of Ukraine’s Nazi Stepan Bandera (see image below), who collaborated in the mass murder of Jews and Poles during World War II.


纳粹集会支持斯捷潘·班德拉Nazi Rally supportive of Stepan Bandera

[前]助理国务卿维多利亚·纽兰证实,包括新纳粹党自由党在内的乌克兰主要组织得到了华盛顿的慷慨支持:“我们已投资超过Confirmed by [former] Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, key organizations in the Ukraine including the Neo-Nazi party Svoboda were generously supported by Washington: 50 亿美元来帮助乌克兰实现这些目标和其他目标。......我们将继续推动乌克兰走向其应有的未来。”“We have invested more than 5 billion dollars to help Ukraine to achieve these and other goals. … We will continue to promote Ukraine to the future it deserves.”

西方媒体随意避免分析政府联盟的组成和意识形态基础。“新纳粹”这个词是一个禁忌。它已被排除在主流媒体评论词典之外。它不会出现在《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》或《独立报》的页面上。记者被指示不要使用“新纳粹”一词来指称自由党和右翼部门。(参见The Western media has casually avoided to analyze the composition and ideological underpinnings of the government coalition. The word “Neo-Nazi” is a taboo. It has been excluded from the dictionary of mainstream media commentary. It will not appear in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post or The Independent. Journalists have been instructed not to use the term “Neo-Nazi” to designate Svoboda and the Right Sector. (See Michel Chossudovsky Michel Chossudovsky,2014 年 3 月 7 日), March 7 2014)

2014年,安德烈·帕鲁比( In 2014Andriy Parubiy Andriy Parubiy )被基辅政府任命为 was appointed (by the Kiev government) Secretary of 国家安全和国防委员会(RNBOU)the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU)秘书(Рада нац?онально? безпеки ? оборони Укра?ни),这是国防部、武装部队、执法部门、国家安全和情报。虽然帕鲁比在几个月后(2014 年 8 月)被解雇,但他与德米特罗·亚罗什 (Dmytro Yarosh) 一起在将乌克兰国民警卫队打造为使用纳粹徽章的纳粹军队的过程中发挥了关键作用。尽管被波罗申科解雇,但他继续在军事和情报事务中发挥影响力。作为议会主席(最高拉达),帕鲁比有权(当然)出席 RNBOU 的所有会议。(Рада нац?онально? безпеки ? оборони Укра?ни), a key position which overseas the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, National Security and Intelligence. While he was dismissed a few months later (August 2014), Parubiy together with Dmytro Yarosh  played a key role in shaping Ukraine’s National Guard as a Nazi Force using Nazi insignia. Despite his dismissal by Poroshenko he continues to exert influence in military and intelligence affairs.  As Chairman of the Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) Parubiy is entitled (ex officio) to attend all meetings of the RNBOU.


亚速国民警卫队The Azov National Guard


据加拿大《国家邮报》(2015 年报告)报道,尽管媒体未能报道帕鲁比有关阿道夫·希特勒对民主的承诺的声明,但他们仍然对美国和加拿大的军事援助涌入表示“担忧”,这些援助可能会落入坏人之手。While the media failed to cover Parubiy’s statement concerning Adolph Hitler’s commitment to democracy,  they nonetheless have expressed “concern” regarding the influx of US, Canadian military aid, which might fall in the wrong hands, according to Canada’s National Post (2015 report).



假新闻掩盖美国的新纳粹盟友。因遗漏而撒谎。Fake News Coverup of America’s Neo-Nazi Ally. Lies Through Omission.


根据纽约时报 2014 年 3 月在独立广场政变后立即发表的一篇报道:According to a New York Times March 2014 report published in the immediate wake of the Maidan coup:

美国和欧盟已经接受了这里(乌克兰)的革命,将其视为The United States and the European Union have embraced the revolution here [Ukraine] as another 民主的又一次繁荣flowering of democracy……” , … .”(《(初步胜利后,乌克兰领导人面临信誉之战》,《纽约时报》 After Initial Triumph, Ukraine’s Leaders Face Battle for Credibility,  NYTimes.com,2014 年 3 月 1 日,重点添加), March 1, 2014, emphasis added)

严峻的现实却并非如此。关键在于美国、欧盟和北约对乌克兰新纳粹主义的坚定支持。The grim realities are otherwise. What is at stake is the unbending US-EU-NATO support of Neo-Nazism in Ukraine.

[本文首次由[This article was first published by Global ResearchGlobal Research于 2018 年 9 月 7 日发表。] on September 7, 2018.]

谷歌翻译Adolf Hitler Is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” According to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)



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