
来源: 唵啊吽 2023-08-25 19:10:53 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (238380 bytes)
2023 年 8 月 25 日AUG 25, 2023

美国国务院及其叙事管理者正试图打击反帝国主义事业支持者的士气。他们希望我们看到美国霸权挑战者的矛盾——无论这些矛盾是真实的还是感知的——并得出结论:这些反对帝国的根源不值得在叙事上提供帮助。目前,这场宣传活动的主要目标是诋毁金砖国家作为全球领导力来源的声誉,而这取决于培养人们的看法,即该组织成员之间的分歧太大,无法削弱美国的主导地位。 The U.S. State Department and its narrative managers are trying to demoralize supporters of the anti-imperialist cause. They want us to see the contradictions in American hegemony’s challengers—whether these contradictions are real or perceived—and conclude that these sources of opposition towards the empire aren’t worth narratively assisting. At the moment, the main goal of this propaganda campaign is to discredit BRICS as a source for global leadership, which depends on cultivating the perception that the differences among the grouping’s members are too big for it to be able to weaken U.S. dominance. 


对此我们可以说:如果俄罗斯的特别军事行动没有导致华盛顿的不同挑战者之间的分裂,我们为什么要期望金砖国家内部会发生这样的分裂呢?To this we can say: if Russia’s special military operation hasn’t led to a breakup among Washington’s different challengers, why should we expect such a breakup to happen within BRICS?

去年,当乌克兰无法获胜的情况还不太明显时,叙事管理者就预测这场战争将破坏俄罗斯和中国之间的关系。他们抓住了两国之间任何不安的迹象,并试图证明中国最终会发现俄罗斯行动的成本无法忍受。亚洲政策研究所智库评论员Last year, when it wasn’t yet so apparent that Ukraine couldn’t win, the narrative managers were predicting that the war would destroy the relationship between Russia and China. They were seizing upon whatever signs of unease they could find among the two, and trying to argue that the PRC would ultimately come to find the costs of Russia’s operation intolerable. A commentator from the think tank the Asia Policy Institute 总结concluded“习近平无疑希望整个事件能够结束。但俄罗斯的摇摆不定意味着他将面临一个日益严峻的选择:要么继续远离俄罗斯及其混乱局面,要么大幅转向并释放足够的中国军事援助,以确保俄罗斯能够取得决定性胜利,与西方展开划时代的冲突。幸运的是,目前所有迹象都指向前者。”  that “Xi no doubt wishes the whole affair could simply go away. But Russia’s flailing means he will face an increasingly stark choice: either continue to draw away from Russia and its mess, or pivot dramatically and unleash enough Chinese military assistance to make sure Russia can win decisively, setting up an epochal clash with the West. Fortunately, all signs currently point in the direction of the former.” 

这篇文章写完已经快一年了,大量证据表明习近平不需要在这两条痛苦的道路之间做出选择。他还可以做其他事情:继续温和地支持俄罗斯,并等待北约在战争中在经济和军事上失败。It’s been almost a year since this was written, and abundant evidence has appeared showing that Xi doesn’t need to decide between these two harrowing paths. He’s been able to do something else: keep softly supporting Russia, and wait for NATO to fail within the war both economically and militarily.

“俄罗斯和中国将反目成仇”的言论是基于俄罗斯的行动将会失败的想法,这是可笑的傲慢。我们绝对可以对普京政府实施这一行动的方式提出批评。由于现代俄罗斯国家作为资产阶级实体的性质,其领导人试图最大限度地减少其采取的行动,从而损害了俄罗斯的The “Russia and China will turn against each other” declarations were predicated on the idea that Russia’s operation would fail, which was ridiculously hubristic. There absolutely are criticisms we can make of how Putin’s government has gone about with the operation; due to the modern Russian state’s nature as a bourgeois entity, its leader has tried to minimize the amount of action it’s taken, to the 利益detriment运营的战略成功。政府还利用了私人军事承包商,但他们的行为显然并不总是可靠。俄罗斯资本主义国家的先天缺陷之所以没有阻止俄罗斯经济在制裁中增长;或者使乌克兰夏季的反攻尝试获得成功;因为归根结底,这不是普京的战争。这是俄罗斯人民战争,是俄罗斯共产党人向政府施压,在全国大多数人的支持下采取的行动。  of the operation’s strategic success. And the government has utilized private military contractors, who’ve obviously not always acted reliably. The reason why the Russian capitalist state’s inherent flaws haven’t stopped Russia’s economy from growing amid the sanctions; or enabled Ukraine’s summer attempt at a counteroffensive to succeed; is because ultimately, this isn’t Putin’s war. This is the Russian people’s war, the action that Russia’s communists pressured the government into taking with the backing of the majority of the country. 

共产党人的战略盘算是正确的,即使俄罗斯在资本主义国家统治下对法西斯乌克兰采取行动,乌克兰和北约仍然会失败。他们看到了美帝国如何衰落,以及俄罗斯代表的亲华地缘政治集团如何崛起。很明显,俄罗斯可以依靠中国让其生存,同时摧毁法西斯乌克兰的军队,以至于乌克兰长期以来只能在不断接受大量外部援助的情况下进行战斗。然而,中俄伙伴关系所做的远不止于此。它还使特别行动能够加强北京的全球地位,并进一步削弱华盛顿的地位。The communists were correct in their strategic calculus that even if Russia took action against fascist Ukraine while Russia was run by a capitalist state, Ukraine and NATO would still lose. They saw how the U.S. empire was in decline, and how the pro-China geopolitical bloc which Russia represents was rising. And it was clear that Russia could rely on China to let it survive while it carried out the destruction of fascist Ukraine’s military, to the effect that Ukraine has long only been able to fight while constantly receiving insane amounts of outside aid. The Chinese-Russian partnership has done more than that, though; it’s also enabled the special operation to strengthen Beijing’s global standing, and to further weaken Washington’s.

智库的叙述者将俄罗斯描绘成中国的一个巨大的、日益严重的责任,其对中国的不利影响只会变得更加严重。The think tank narrative-spinners portrayed Russia as a giant, growing liability for the PRC, one whose detrimental effects on the latter could only grow more severe. But there’s a reason why Russia and China’s diplomatic relations improved 但俄罗斯和中国的外交关系在经历了之前的不安时刻之后在新年前后around the new year有所改善是有原因的。为什么中国官员此后 following their previous moments of unease; why Chinese officials have since 重申reaffirmed他们对俄罗斯的支持;为什么在最近的金砖国家会议上,俄罗斯外交情报局局长谢尔盖·纳雷什金报告说,人们对这种关系所能带来的影响感到前所未有的乐观:“这些确实是真正自由和平等世界的基石。在不久的将来,将会添加新的砖块或杆子。多极化结构将继续发展和加强,保护各国主权和身份权利,同时促进实体经济发展。地球上没有任何野兽能够成功拆除这个结构。”  their support for Russia; why during the latest BRICS meeting, Russia’s foreign intelligence chief Sergei Naryshkin has reported there being an unprecedented sense of optimism for what this relationship can bring: “These are indeed the building blocks in the foundation of a truly free and equal world. In the near future, new bricks or poles will be added. The structure of multipolarity will continue to grow and strengthen, protecting the rights of nations to sovereignty and identity while promoting real economic development. No beast on Earth will succeed in dismantling this structure.” 

去年,俄罗斯和中国的关系比以往任何时候都更加密切,因为乌克兰冲突只会给北约带来耻辱这一事实已变得越来越明显,俄罗斯的干预帮助中国实现战略目标的所有方式现在都能够得到更好的认识。很明显,这些好处不会伴随着太大的警告。俄罗斯的决定对中华人民共和国来说利大于弊。Russia and China have grown closer than ever during this last year because with its becoming obvious that the Ukraine conflict can only bring NATO’s humiliation, all the ways Russia’s intervention is helping China’s strategic goals are now able to better be appreciated. It’s become clear that these benefits won’t come with caveats which are too significant; that Russia’s decision has done vastly more good than harm to the PRC.

当然,这一决定仍然存在一些缺点,但还没有大到足以超越其优点。即使德国和意大利等美国卫星国转向与中国脱钩,俄罗斯的行动也加速了“There are still drawbacks to the decision, of course, but they’re not big enough to surpass the positives. Even with U.S. satellite states like Germany and Italy shifting towards decoupling from China, Russia’s action has catalyzed an 一带acceleration一路”的崛起,以及其他一些欧亚基础设施、经济和货币项目,这些项目有可能使美国的领导地位进一步过时。这场冲突 of the rise of the BRI, among a number of other Eurasian infrastructural, economic, and currency projects which threaten to make U.S. leadership further outmoded. The conflict has 使made人民币得到更广泛的使用,尽管制裁损害了俄罗斯本国货币,但冲突仍进一步推动了去美元化。俄罗斯因其决定而付出的代价是必要的;为了法西斯国家的非军事化和削弱帝国霸权,这些牺牲最终是值得的。  the yuan become more widely used, allowing for de-dollarization to be furthered by the conflict despite the sanctions having harmed Russia’s own currency. The costs Russia has experienced from its decision have been necessary ones; sacrifices that are ultimately worthwhile for the sake of demilitarizing a fascist state, and weakening the imperial hegemon. 

中华人民共和国以及所有从其政策中受益的前殖民地国家,由于俄罗斯的牺牲而变得更加有利。能够更好地使全球绝大多数地区摆脱新殖民主义的控制,对于失去与一些衰落的老殖民国家的经济关系的代价来说是一个值得的回报。那些垂死的帝国已经成为过去;非洲、欧亚大陆和拉丁美洲是未来。这就是为什么俄罗斯决定全面反抗帝国时其战略推理是正确的,也是为什么中国最终接受俄罗斯作为资产而不是将其视为负债的原因:我们正处于历史的一个时刻,现在比以往任何时候都更容易伤害帝国主义者。帝国主义对俄罗斯采取的一切报复方式都无法抵消俄罗斯的决定所加速的进展。The PRC, and all the formerly colonized countries that benefit from its policies, have become further advantaged due to Russia’s sacrifice. And becoming better able to bring the vast majority of the globe out of neo-colonial control is a worthwhile reward for the price of losing economic relationships with a few of the declining old colonial powers. Those dying empires are the past; Africa, Eurasia, and Latin America are the future. This is the essence of why Russia’s strategic reasoning was sound when it decided to fully defy the empire, and of why China has in the end accepted Russia as an asset rather than discarding it as a liability: we’re at a point in history where it’s easier than ever to harm the imperialists. All the ways the imperialists have retaliated against Russia can’t undo the progress that Russia’s decision has accelerated.

在这一点上,国务院的叙事管理者可以辩称俄罗斯和中国的关系不会持久的唯一方法是对两国的意图做出不可证伪的声明。一些人断言,俄罗斯将不可避免地背叛中国,尽管这对俄罗斯来说没有任何战略意义,因为它比以往任何时候都更加依赖中国。其他人At this point, the only way the State Department’s narrative managers can argue that Russia and China’s relationship won’t last is by making unfalsifiable statements about the intentions of either of the two countries. Some assert that Russia will inevitably betray China, even though this would make no strategic sense for Russia to do now that it’s become more reliant on China than ever. Others 断言assert中国是不可信任的国家,它将开始压迫俄罗斯(一种基于神话的叙述 that China is the one which can’t be trusted, and that it’s going to start oppressing Russia (a narrative predicated on the myth关于中国是帝国主义列强)。这些话语参与者试图将哪个国家描绘成对手,取决于这些参与者中的某个特定参与者是左派还是右派,“左派”试图促进对俄罗斯的不信任,而右派则这样做与中国。  about China being an imperialist power). Which country these discourse actors try to portray as the antagonist depends on whether a given one of these actors is on the left or the right, with the ones on the “left” seeking to promote distrust towards Russia while the ones on the right do this with China. 

他们所说的都是无稽之谈,脱离了欧亚大陆的真实情况。当国务院的党派利用八卦和谣言来讲述华盛顿的挑战者走向分裂的故事时,这些国家有越来越多的理由团结起来。最近金砖国家的扩张是欧亚大陆大国关系中功能不断增强的结果。埃塞俄比亚和伊朗为何要与沙特阿拉伯联合?因为他们看到多极化的趋势,给非西方国家带来凝聚力符合这些国家的利益。The things they say are all nonsense, detached from the realities of what’s truly happening in Eurasia. While the State Department’s partisans seize upon gossip and rumors to tell a story about Washington’s challengers being headed towards fracture, these countries get more and more reasons to be unified. The recent BRICS expansion is an outcome of this increasing functionality within the relationship between Eurasia’s great powers; why would Ethiopia and Iran unite with Saudi Arabia? Because they see that the trend is towards multipolarity, and that bringing cohesion to the non-western countries is in the interest of each of these countries.

这并不意味着霸主已经被彻底击败,或者其影响力被完全剥夺。最新的金砖国家会议已经表明了这This doesn’t mean the hegemon has already been defeated in full, or had its leverage completely taken away. The latest BRICS meeting has made it 一点apparent该组织的许多成员,包括其最新成员,目前都不想放弃美元,因为担心华盛顿会通过混合战争对他们进行报复。大多数国家不是朝鲜;他们在政治、军事或经济上还没有准备好接受完全违背帝国主义巨大威胁的意志所付出的代价。这显示了俄罗斯和金砖国家在对抗帝国时行动的局限性;我们不能指望这些东西能够赢得这场战斗的每一部分。除非帝国主义国家本身都经历工人革命,否则帝国主义不会被彻底击败,这将要求这些国家的工人与绝望的法西斯主义作斗争。 that many of the grouping’s members, including its newest ones, don’t want to abandon the dollar at the moment for fear of Washington retaliating against them with hybrid warfare. Most countries are not the DPRK; they’re not politically, militarily, or economically ready to accept the costs of totally disobeying the will of the great imperialist menace. This shows the limits of Russia’s operation, and of BRICS, when it comes to combating the empire; we can’t expect these things to win every part of this fight. Imperialism isn’t going to be fully defeated until the imperialist countries themselves all undergo workers revolutions, which is going to require the workers of these countries to fight off a desperate fascism.

在这个阶段,我们核心能做的最有影响力的事情就是打击帝国的心理战,因为这些是让霸权能够继续发动混合战争的原因,也是让工人运动无效的原因。我们已经在击败乌克兰心理战,因为客观现实证明它是欺诈性的,所以它变得站不住脚。现在我们需要击败旨在抹黑金砖国家的心理战。At this stage, the most impactful thing we in the core can do is combat the empire's psyops, as these are what keep the hegemon able to continue waging its hybrid wars and what keep the workers movement ineffectual. We’re already in the process of defeating the Ukraine psyop, which is becoming untenable as objective reality proves it to be fraudulent. Now we need to defeat the psyops designed to discredit BRICS.

谷歌翻译Ongoing successes of the Russia-China partnership dispel narratives of the two being headed for a breakup


西方国家并不认为中俄关系破裂,相反一直认为中俄正在加紧轴心关系。因此一定要对中俄打包后一起处理。 -amico- 给 amico 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2023 postreply 19:17:43

美国的策略就是让中俄绑在一起, 俄将中国作为投名状重归西方,中国彻底被孤立瓦解。 -Dotline- 给 Dotline 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/25/2023 postreply 21:15:42



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