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2021-06-21 15:15:38字号:A- A A+来源:观察者网

最后更新: 2021-06-21 15:16:13







Zheng Yongnian:The West's erroneous policy toward China stems from "not studying" the CCP

2021-06-21 15:15:38字号:A- A A+来源:观察者网guancha.cn

最后更新: 2021-06-21 15:16:13


2021-June-21 https://www.guancha.cn/politics/2021_06_21_595236.shtml


Recently, Zheng Yongnian, a well-known political scientist, accepted an exclusive interview with a global times reporter and answered the question of "why the Western political and academic circles have more and more misreading and misjudging the CPC in recent years, and the 'demonization' of the CPC has become more and more serious.


Zheng Yongnian: The West's misreading and misjudgment of the Chinese Communist Party is largely due to the lack of Western research on the CCP in recent years. Historically, before 1949, some people in the West, such as Snow, were very interested in the Chinese Communist Party and made special trips to Yan'an to report on the CCP continuously and in depth; From 1949 to the 1970s, even though China had little communication with the West at that time, there were still many Western scholars who studied all aspects of the CCP and published many books, because the founding of the People's Republic of China made them think that the study of the CCP was very important; However, after the 1980s, there were fewer and fewer people in the West who studied the CCP and wrote about it, either believing that the CCP was "no longer important" or that it was "outdated."。


This phenomenon is related to the political and social changes in the West itself. Before the 1980s, the political system adopted in the West was essentially an elite democracy, and political parties were the main body of elite democracy. However, after the 1970s, the "one person, one vote" mass democracy gradually emerged in the United States and other Western countries, which had a great impact on the Western party system. From then until today, Western political parties have been in a state of decline, their influence in society is declining, and neoliberalism is rising, the position of capital is becoming more and more important, and politics is marginalized, which is also the root cause of the governance crisis that britain and the United States and other countries face today。


In this context, the overall research direction of Western scholars has gradually shifted from political parties to social organizations to the so-called "post-industrial era" issue, and this trend has also affected their research on the CCP. A closer look at Western monographs on China in recent years is not difficult to find that there are many articles on China's environmental protection movement and non-governmental organizations, but very few on the Chinese Communist Party. But is the CCP's role in China more important, or the role of NGOs more important? The answer is obvious。


Many of the West's erroneous China policies stem from their misreading of the Chinese Communist Party: failure to study leads to ignorance, and ignorance further misleads policymaking. Some so-called Chinese experts and opinion leaders in the West have even proceeded from an ideological point of view, conveying completely wrong judgments, such as "the Chinese Communist Party is going to collapse" and "the CCP should be separated from the Chinese people." If the United States does not correct these miscalculations, it will certainly continue to make major mistakes in its China policy。



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