A seemingly-small but significant correction

来源: 2008-01-10 11:22:03 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
"小克出了这样大的丑闻, 众院都过了弹劾案, 参院也是不能成立. 不了了之"

Impeachment is the first of the two legal process or steps. The first one is impeachement by US House. The second one is removal from office without the official agreement by US Senate. The second step has no meaningful and legal on the the first.

The way most of us chinese understood the term is not exactly what it is. Some of chinese thought that if an official is impeached, he will be removed from office. That is not the case. He still has to go through the second step of removal in US Senate.

In modern US political history, Nixon received impeachment and later he saw there was not enough support in US Senate in the second step of process. He resigned to avoid forced removal.

In Clinton's case, he was sure impeached but Senate did not enough vote in the second step for the removal.

So on the official record in US Congress, Nixon and Clinton were impeached and the impeachment has gone to their legacy. For a politician, it is NOT "不了了之" at all, from any point of view, especially from US public