The War On Trump Is All About Keeping Liberals And Their Lackeys

来源: 2018-12-27 20:18:10 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

Where’s the democracy? You have Democrats establishing a one-party state in California, changing the laws to cement themselves in power and there’s not a peep from the liberal media guardians. But libs lose in Georgia and Florida on a fair playing field and it’s terrible awful horrible - they’ll have to cheat better next time. Cheating is okay, because they are entitled to rule. So illegals voting, because they do, and Democrat voter fraud, which is a thing even if the media denies it, are not problems to liberals. They are solutions.


And then there’s the push for unaccountable bureaucrats to control the wrongly elected. Unelected SecDef Mattis was supposed to rein in the elected President and limit his ability to exercise the powers of his office? I must have missed that day in Con Law. And the DoJ should be walled-off from the President (well, this president - there was no wall between Obama and Holder)? So, what elected officer accountable to the people would oversee our justice system?

The War On Trump Is All About Keeping Liberals And Their Lackeys In Power