Pompeo went to Beijing from North Korea.

来源: autumnjune 2018-10-08 19:39:16 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (734 bytes)
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回答: 谈崩了锦衣卫2018-10-08 19:13:22

North Korea started meeting with the U.S. then China's role in the Korean Peninsula is diminishing. China lost a card.

The U.S. made clear, officially and unofficially, that it won't indulge China's SOEs anymore. As the CEOs put it, China subsidizes SOEs to gain dominant positions in all the industries. 

President Xi is consolidating his economical powers by transferring all important resources to the SOEs. 

Is there a common ground between the two countries? No, I do not see one. 

The U.S. is undermining China's expansion by creating a new trade order that will exclude China's SOEs.


