What he said about 制度 is intrinsically contradictory

来源: 2006-12-05 10:57:09 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
to CCP or communist ideology. Despite free and entrepreneur type of economy reforms in recent years in China, China is still communist controlled country. I would not say it is communist country because they no long force communist ideology down the throats of people as North Korea is doing. But it is a country where CCP decide on everything, including legislation and execution of laws and everything else.

In a western thinking and most peoples, a law must be decided and legislated by congress members elected by majority of people who are ultimately the ones following the laws. In the case of conflict during the course of executing laws, an independent court system can step up and rule according to its interpretation of related laws; Executive branch executes the laws but supervised by lawyers and courts and congress.

Beside all above, the last not the least is : society must have free press so that all these processes above are open to public. I mean complete open: debating and forming the laws in congress; court hearing and ruling; Executive forcing the laws.

Now, for any of you, based on your own experience of living in China and understanding of CCP, which part of above processes do they want it to leave to someone else or some institutions other than CCP themselves?

So I have long concluded that law as understood by most of people are not what they want. What CCP wants is something which they can law but not real law. About that "something", they have free hand to form, execute and interpret in their total discretion. They do it all in a black box. As a matter of fact, the keys to CCP control of China are: tight control press; tight control legislations; tight control of armed forces.

That is why I said that laws are intrinsically contradictory to CCP ideology.

In recent years, CCP prompt governing by laws. What they really mean is that putting CCP control in writting and get labelled "law".

So, 教授贺卫方 is really either day dreaming or maybe he knows what he is talking about. He is just tip-toeing on a very fine political line, dangerously.

But he is patriotic. I admire him for that