
来源: 互联网 2018-08-21 09:29:29 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (5039 bytes)
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1 核心高科技
2 基础设施





[ In the past, "notifications to CFIUS were voluntary, at least until CFIUS came knocking," said Rod Hunter, a Washington-based trade partner at Baker & McKenzie LLP. Now, an acquirer planning to invest in anything remotely "smart" in the US stands to be investigated.

China's challenges aren't limited to a more protectionist US, or to similar stances in Australia and Canada. Europe, the favoured destination of late, is getting a lot tougher.

The fact remains that China doesn't have a lot of options for bringing in the technology it needs. That puts Beijing on the back foot, under pressure to play fair and open its market to the rest of the world.]


