You are just too narrow minded.

来源: qing_us 2018-06-14 07:03:43 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (856 bytes)
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My point is Americans also take care of their parents. But their parents raise them up to be independent individual. They don't expect their kids to pay back. Their relationship is more like friends instead of slaver owner and slave. They love their kids not less than Chinese parents love theirs. Their kids will still take care of them. If for any reason, their kids cannot, they won't complain and whine. But some Chinese parents are begging and threatening, these things only make the situation worse. Your way of thinking are too old fashioned and I am sure this is a burden for your kids and yourself. Form your posts, money consumes your way of thinking and life. You don't really enjoy other aspects of life. When you look at things around you, you interpret them the way that you are thinking instead of looking deeper.