1. Yes, 而且已经在做了,2 no, 3 maybe, but leaning towards no, 除非能没收所以非法

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回答: Do you supportSwiperTheFox2018-02-23 11:53:14


Background checks for private transactions? -SwiperTheFox- 给 SwiperTheFox 发送悄悄话 SwiperTheFox 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2018 postreply 12:00:15

Gun Show Loopholes Need to be closed -SwiperTheFox- 给 SwiperTheFox 发送悄悄话 SwiperTheFox 的博客首页 (15604 bytes) () 02/23/2018 postreply 12:04:09

Gun Show Loopholes实际上不一定发生在gun show, 只是私人间转让。Gunshow的dealer都是要查背 -tz2000- 给 tz2000 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/23/2018 postreply 13:03:32
