美国国家安全顾问 Michael Flynn 辞职信全文,英文。Make America Great Again !

来源: happycow222 2017-02-14 09:45:47 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2086 bytes)

In the course of my duties as the incoming National Security Advisor, I held numerous phone calls with foreign counterparts, ministers, and ambassadors. These calls were to facilitate a smooth transition and begin to build the necessary relationships between the President, his advisors and foreign leaders. Such calls are standard practice in any transition of this magnitude.

Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the Vice President Elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian Ambassador. have sincerely apologized to the President and the Vice President, and they have accepted my apology.

Throughout my over thirty three years of honorable military service, and my tenure as the National Security Advisor, have always performed my duties with the utmost of integrity and honesty to those I have served, to include the President of the United States.

I am tendering my resignation, honored to have served our nation and the American people in such a distinguished way.

I am also extremely honored to have served President Trump, who in just three weeks, has reoriented American foreign policy in fundamental ways to restore America's leadership position in the world.

As I step away once again from serving my nation in this current capacity, 1 wish to thank President Trump for his personal loyalty, the friendship of those who I worked with throughout the hard fought campaign, the challenging period of transition, and during the early days of his presidency. I know with the strong leadership of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence and the superb team they are assembling, this team will go down in history as one of the greatest presidencies in U.S. history, and I firmly believe the American people will be well served as they all work together to help Make America Great Again.

Michael T. Flynn, LTG (Ret)
Assistant to the President/National Security Advisor


很有英雄就义的情怀,邱少云就是这么牺牲的 :) -葱酩- 给 葱酩 发送悄悄话 葱酩 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:48:48

其实就是一个政治牺牲品 左派擅长的手腕 -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (179 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:53:04

这一点同意,政治不可能不玩儿手段 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:01:00

明摆着的,创普需要适应“搞政治”的残酷,需要赶紧成长起来 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:55:03

左派的套路是防不胜防 可惜了Flynn算是老川当选一个功臣 跟Rudy一样都不可多得人才 -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:56:15

这事是共和党建制派的内斗。 -West_East- 给 West_East 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:07:53

建制派里也有左的啊 譬如McCain -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:08:57

即使辞职了,还会继续为Trump总统站岗放哨。朋友就是朋友。 -happycow222- 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:01:45

辞职的主要原因不是打电话,而是没对创普、Pence说实话 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (495 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:53:58

您去问他自己或者去看监听的电话录音记录去 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:55:33

如果电话录音不公布,就不能轻易下结论。也许不是什么大事儿,也许碰到底线了,走着瞧吧。 -happycow222- 给 happycow222 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:56:55

这是Flynn自己的说法,但是哪怕支持者们相信他,他也没办法说服对手们,毕竟是自己授人以柄 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:00:30

这个跟创普与澳大利亚总理墨西哥总统打电话的泄露一样,应该是能够接触到那些记录的人,也许只是一个级别不高的普通工作人员 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (256 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:09:20

这都是表面的原因 老川有点大意是荆州了 觉得Flynn confirmation是板上钉钉的事情 其实最困难的提名未必那么容易被 -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (68 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 09:59:21

完全不是。Flynn最重要的立场源于他在国防情报处长(奥八任命)期间,一直闹着说在叙利亚推翻阿萨德的行动会导致无法控制的后果。所 -fkcom- 给 fkcom 发送悄悄话 (696 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:10:10

难民问题不是叙利亚弄出来的 是2011开始的茉莉花运动 在中东地区拔掉看不过眼的树立所谓民主政府导致 -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (28 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:16:48

你看08划了多少条红线 耍嘴皮子顶用吗 连大使都保护不了 闹国际笑话 -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (38 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:19:56

动机当然是这样,但是直接的把柄确实是没说实话。就是因为这样的原因,才会被很多人视为眼中钉必欲除之而后快,一旦抓到一点点把柄 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (47 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:17:24

Flynn 辞职的原因不是重点 这里老川白白吃了一个套 希望弃车保帅能够重整棋局 迅速整顿余毒 -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:04:23

Flynn可以老川第二届的时候再赋职 现在最重要的司法部长和高院提名两职定下来才是重点 -酱油妹儿- 给 酱油妹儿 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:07:09

创普白白吃了一闷棍,应该会吸取教训的 -落花起作回风舞- 给 落花起作回风舞 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 02/14/2017 postreply 10:32:04



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