A comment from a Yahoo user about the immigration

来源: 2017-01-30 14:23:50 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

America use to have immigration laws, but now all you have to do is cross the border and live your life on our welfare system. America use to have immigration limits for the number let in in a year. Now they just pour into here, looking for a free ride. America use to have a vetting procedure for all immigrants, now any riffraff is allowed in. They call it open borders in Europe and Europe is now suffering the huge consequences of allowing that. The USA will too. Just by birth rate statistics, Europe will fall to Muslim control by the year 2025 and the USA by 2050. Poligamy use to be against the law in this country, now Muslim bring 4-5 wives with them and all of them are on our health and welfare system. It is a free ride to keep putting more and more Muslims out in this country at a rapid rate. Open your eyes and look at the future being given to your children and grandchildren.