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昨天foxnews bill o'reilly 说索罗斯花了 90 million 美金组织游行. 里面有很多是欧巴马的人,希拉里的人还有BERNIE SANDERS的人, 还有一些人是冲着免费吃喝玩乐去起哄的。1/12/17的华尔街日报报道说, SOROS在大选后做空股市,SOROS以为川普当总统,股市会跌,输了近 $1billion 在金融市场上。Soros这家伙在二战大屠杀中能活下来是因为他老爸是替纳粹管理犹太人的那种。上周六的游行是有组织的希望把川普拉下马的努力。


Fox New's most popular host Bill O'Reilly claimed that the Women's Marches which drew over 3.2 million people in more than 300 cities and towns across the United States Saturday was organized mostly by groups funded by Jewish billionaire George Soros.  

"That was not a spontaneous event. It was organized by far-left groups, which receive millions of dollars from the liberal activist George Soros," O'Reilly said in the "Talking Points Memo" segment of his long-running show.

"In fact, Soros has ties to 50 of the groups that attended the Woman's March this weekend, 50. And according to the Media Research Center, Soros has pumped $90 million into those groups," O'Reilly said.

Soros, 86, is a fierce critic of Trump, calling him "a would-be dictator" at Davos over the weekend and insisiting, “I personally have confidence that he’s going to fail … because his ideas that guide him are inherently self-contradictory."

O'Reilly dismissed the idea that the marches were motivated by a genuine political beliefs by participants, arguing instead, "This was a well-thought out political spectacle designed to denigrate the new president."

In his Talking Points Memo tonight, Bill O'Reilly said there's an effort on the far left to oppose President Donald Trump and get him out of office.

He said it's clear that many on the left - and in the media - had a vested interest in seeing President Obama succeed, and those same people have a vested interest in seeing Trump fail.

"What Americans have to understand is that there is an organized effort to get Donald Trump out of office," O'Reilly said.


He pointed to this past weekend's Woman's March, which was organized by "far-left groups" that receive millions from activist George Soros.

O'Reilly explained that Soros had ties to 50 groups that attended the march this weekend, and according to the Media Research Center, he pumped $90 million into those groups.

"Some of the top march organizers were members of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton's campaign, Bernie Sanders' campaign," O'Reilly said. "This was not some spontaneous uprising. This was a well-thought-out political spectacle, designed to denigrate the new president."

He said there's nothing wrong with peaceful protest, but throwing around "insane charges" of fascism and racism just demean out democratic system.

"It is clear the far left will not give President Trump a chance and will do everything it can to get him out of office before his term is over."

Watch the full Talking Points Memo in the foxnews link below, and let us know what you think in the comments.






已经逮捕麦当娜了。 -sun2015sun- 给 sun2015sun 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/25/2017 postreply 21:17:10

真的假的?只是调查吧 -落英如雪- 给 落英如雪 发送悄悄话 落英如雪 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/25/2017 postreply 21:23:13

麦当娜对流行音乐简直是灾难,从她出道,我未听到过她有任何一首值得听完的歌。 -大文嚎- 给 大文嚎 发送悄悄话 大文嚎 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/25/2017 postreply 21:38:26

一个年近60的大娘,天天搞荤段子吸引注意力,我不明白这世界怎么了。 -大文嚎- 给 大文嚎 发送悄悄话 大文嚎 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/25/2017 postreply 21:40:13
