CHAN&TEA 禅茶一味 茶香古韵 济公灵隐寺的禅茶底蕴

来源: 国际出轨 2015-07-02 08:16:21 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1789 bytes)

Hidden in the higher of the Hangzhou Mountains, the Lingyin Temple, where heaven touch earth, the peace from the origins of life makes us feel the “Chan” sensation if we really understand the meaning of this great and special religion, Buddhism.
A travel into the tea life, since the seeds passing through the growth, the sale, the market, the traditional tea houses and modern tea houses to end where all starts again, in the nature, in the Lingyin temple where the meaning of drink tea change the whole meaning of life and contemplation. The master of Chan sits and closes his eyes around nature just to think and contemplate the real peace. Accompanied with tea, tasting and cleaning his mind and heart.


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