
来源: 2015-02-28 21:15:14 [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:
Thai yellow curry chicken
white rice with squid flake ,sesame ,seaweed
baby kale,purple kale  and  bloody orange salad 
carrots cooked with butter 





french red shallot(红葱头8 pieces,minced)红葱头有特别的香气,是泰国料理中不可缺少的一个重要的食材
fresh Thai bird eye green chili(朝天椒 5 pieces ,minced)
lemon grass(香茅2 stalks,smash the white part of lemon grass,  use only the white part, sliced into thin pieces)
Indonisian bay leaves(印尼香叶2--3 pieces,它比普通的香叶要出味好多)
garlic(10 cloves(大蒜minced)
1 dry red chili pepper(干红辣椒,seeded , cut into 4 pieces)
4 large potato (大土豆half way cooked , then peeled , cut into chunky pieces)
2 pounds boneless chicken thigh (去骨鸡大腿肉)

 Curry sauce seasoning:

vegetable oil
ricewine(米酒一杯,也可以用西人的white wine 来代替)
Thai curry powder (2 full  table spoon)(泰式咖喱粉)这个量只是用来煮汤汁的。不是用来腌鸡的
chili powder (辣椒粉, pinch)
turmeric powder(姜黄粉 4 teaspoon)
coconut milk (椰奶 2 cans)
salt (盐 2-3 teaspoon)
palm sugar(椰糖1 teaspoon)
white pepper (白胡椒粒course)

chichen seasoning:

curry powder (1 full table spoon)
turmeric (2 teaspoon)
salt (2 teaspoon)

鸡肉先用1 table spoon 咖喱粉,2 teaspoon姜黄粉,盐,抹搽在鸡大腿上,事先腌上一个小时,待用。

A:在一个大的煎盘内将腌好的鸡大腿肉用油两面稍稍煎一下,直到鸡肉变白,取出鸡肉待用,我用的是DE BUYER COUNTRY PAN , 非常快且香。

B:在一个大的深锅内用油煎香红葱头碎,直到变软再变金黄,下大蒜末炒香,加入香茅草,尖椒碎,炒出香味后,立即改成小火,(这点很重要,炒制油咖喱时,最忌用大火,很容易炒焦,一定要小火,才会将咖喱特有的香气完全释放出来让食物更加入味),放入咖喱粉,辣椒粉,姜黄粉 ,炒匀释出咖喱特有的香味,放入煎好的鸡腿肉,翻炒至上色金黄油亮,加入事先已经煮到半熟的土豆快,同时倒入 一罐椰奶搅匀,一杯米酒, 加入盐,白胡椒粒,干红辣椒,印尼香叶,再转到中大火煮沸,煮了5分钟后再加入另一罐椰奶,改中火煮沸,立即转成小火,盖上锅盖,焖煮半小时,中间用勺翻动几次,避免粘锅,半小时后,开盖,用中火稍稍使咖喱汁变得再浓稠些,同时加入椰糖,搅匀,过2分钟,关火。煮玩后最好盖上盖子,再放上30--40分钟,鸡肉和土豆会变得更加入味可口。


加糖的目的不是要增加甜味 ,而是为咖喱增添了特殊的浓香味,give a instant kick to curry sauce。试试看,加与不加的味道可是完全不同的。

这里我用的是LE CRUSET 4 QT 的深型铸铁锅,焖煮的话用这锅非常好,用深锅的目的是因为在煮纯咖喱椰奶汁的时候,咖喱汁很容易喷溅出来,

Baby kale ,bloody orange salad


shredded baby kale
purple kale(only use the leave,shedded ,and  use hand to massage a little bit)
 bloody orange(cut into  cube size)
thin sliced cherry radish 
thin sliced cucumber
thin sliced mini sweet peper 

dressing :

cold pressed ,extra virgin olive oil from greek
balsamic vinegar (放小锅内,用中火再烧得浓稠一些,口感会更好些,这个方法在拌KALE SALAD 时,是关键
Israel dates honey (做dressing 是非常好吃的一种甜品,叫honey,其实没有任何honey的成分在,是纯dates 做的)
course black pepper 

mix all the dressing ingredients together ,pour into the salad vegetable , mix throughly 

其实,KALE 做沙拉非常好吃且营养丰富,除了BABY KALE , 一般的KALE 做沙拉时,就取用叶子的部分,叶子切碎后,最好用手好好滴揉捏massage一下,口感会好很多。

Organic carrots cook with butter


organic carrots


olive oil with herb flavor
white wine
fresh squeezed lemon juice  (half lemon)

In a DE BUYER COUNTRY FRY PAN  ,  use olive oil pan fry the carrots for 3-4 minutes  with medium flame, then add butter and white wine , turn the flame to low, cover the pan with the lid ,simmer for about 8 minutes , then pour the cooked carrots  into a plate , squeeze in the fresh lemon juice , done.